Exception, meet rule.
Exception, meet rule.
I haven’t called for the purging of any races or ethnic groups, so you can go fuck yourself.
Can we pass a law saying it’s ok to punch this guy? Seriously, you fucking suck.
That ending got me. This is easily one of the best shows out there. Out of the network shows, it’s easily THE best show on TV. I only wish it was a Netflix or Hulu original, as I feel it would be better served without Network restrictions.
It’s like a visual recreation of the best sex you’ve ever had. Or, given that this is the AV Club, it’s like a visual representation of the greatest porn you’ve ever seen, but with less boobs, and more wind chimes.
The Jags defense should give the Pats some serious issues. They’re a healthier version (with a better secondary) of last year’s Houston Texans defense, which gave Brady and co. fits all game. We can only hope that Bortles isn’t as shitty as Brock Osweiler.
Seriously. If they make the SB, the Glitter Kitties (or Jaguars, whatever) need to acknowledge their biggest fan!
Well, and also, fuck the Patriots.
Just imagine Trump having sex, definitely NOT with his daughter.
This movie is going to suck.
Mind your fucking tongue.
Hey now, don’t go attacking lawyers...
Fuck off. If you see a Nazi, it is acceptable to beat the shit out of them. Fuck Nazis.
Plastic Basement is just super hardcore, ok? He doesn’t fuck with posers like us. He probably wears a hardcore wallet chain. Don’t fuck with him.
NFL athletes are measured, very publicly, at the combine.
Obama’s hands are bigger, too.
I want to live in the fantasy world of this photo.
Even in that scenario...if Trump survives the nuclear holocaust, then that would not, in fact, be rock bottom.
But just think about all the wonderful procedurals we would lose on TV!
Is anyone really surprised that people still defend that bloated bag of expired cheetos? A majority of his supporters love him BECAUSE of his racism. I mean, JFC, look at Joe Arpaio. There’s your textbook Trump supporter. Ignorant, racist, bigoted, IQ below 80, and bereft of any morals whatsoever. I’m still waiting…