BoJack Horseman

Sooooo sorry

Nothing is showing for me?

Nostalgia meter at 100 percent 

Tiny Toons is GOAT. 

He’s so fucking stupid.


/rolls eyes

I guarantee that at least a third of the people who use the symbol have never read a comic, seen the movie, or watched the show. They just think the skull logo is badass. 

I think I have seen a few of those stupid fucking things around town here in Augusta, GA (very big contingent of “Blue Lives Matter” assholes here) but it’s a rare thing. I am fairly certain that you are either lying or exaggerating.

I remain somewhat convinced that these are merely troll accounts (ESPECIALLY Ghost of Eazy E), created by alt-right fuckwits. Everything they post is an exaggerated example of what they imagine “libtards” whine about.’re just a fucking idiot. 

I’m beginning to think that you are, in fact, serious.

Does anyone take anything that this clown says seriously? There is almost no way that he/she is serious. 

Not exactly justice, but it’s nice to see this piece of shit’s career falling apart.

Hey now, save some of your pity for Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey! Poor, persecuted predators!

Have as book dictated to him*

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I have heard Snopes called a liberal mouthpiece...Lmao. Apparently, “facts” are for liberals only. 

Don’t forget being an evil overlord, or one of their followers. Very lucrative!

We sneer because the overwhelming majority is cringe inducing bullshit.