Yes, this times a thousand. These ignorant fucks are almost on the same level as the Trump voters. To make it worse, these fuckheads spread their ignorance.
Yes, this times a thousand. These ignorant fucks are almost on the same level as the Trump voters. To make it worse, these fuckheads spread their ignorance.
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No, he needs to die of cancer. His existence is a crime against humanity.
Yeah, sure.
I want Ajit Pai to suffer. I want him flayed alive; I want him subjected to the absolute worst forms of torture imaginable. Same with the pieces of shit who voted with him.
Ah, I’ve been wondering where the GOP’s next presidential candidate was hiding.
No, that’s not a thing. Nor have I seen anyone argue that it’s a thing. This is one of the scare stories I hear people talk about. I have never once heard about a woman willfully having sex while drunk, only to turn around and call rape. It doesn’t happen.
It’s Alabama.
FAILING republicans can’t even Win the reddest state in existence! Sad!
Just give this man his pulitzer already. May I contribute to your acceptance speech? I am currently a Junior Political Science Major, so forgive me if this is a bit esoteric and long-winded:
Yeah, that opening is stupid in retrospect.
This show would be completely screwed without Tom Ellis. I hope he gets some attention for this.
I’m glad Soylent Grenn’s TWD observations survived the Kinjacoplypse.
Every single day, I wish for more of these pieces of shit to die an extremely painful death. Fuck these spineless cretins.
Go fuck yourself, and maybe die. Take that quarter-wit president with you.
Drink a bottle of bleach, that’ll fix things.
Fuck bullies, and they deserve severe punishment, want to execute children? JFC, please seek help.
That’s a strange way to display your idiocy. Why not just post your IQ score, for the sake of brevity? You would then get your stupidity across, we’d move on, and everyone would be much happier.
It disgusts me. I can forgive, mostly, those who voted for him but recognize and acknowledge their error (but seriously, still, fuck you for voting for him. You did this. Something has to be wrong with you to ever even CONSIDER voting for such a disgusting creature)...but anyone who still supports him is blind at…