
He’s a half whitey.

Hong Kong doesn’t have a huge population of Africans running around, big difference.

That is because since the federal consent decree the cops do the absolute minimum, since they are afraid of getting in trouble for doing their job. The blacks are killing each other at astronomical rates since then, oh well.

All of the violence seems to be confined to the city, so I could care less. The dumbass white people in those protests deserve whatever happens to them. If the rioters try to enter the suburbs they will be crushed.

Fed Ex beez raycess!

Don’t taze me bro!

The other cops dindu nuffin, though.

I would guess not, most of those cities are shitholes and the thugs they arrest would find them and murder their families.

I don’t see why that is their concern anyway.

Lol, I’m sure that will work well.

That would be like the Warsaw uprising, lol.

I’ll just continue my policy of avoiding black areas and interactions with blacks to the greatest extent possible.

Someone said something mean to her in an elevator, oh the humanity!

If blacks wouldn’t participate in such huge levels of criminal behavior, the cops would leave them alone. If that guy in Minneapolis hadn’t been trying to steal from a business, he would still be alive.

Fine with me if they want to burn down their hoods. Just don’t use any taxpayer money to rebuilt it.

As long as they stay in the hood, I really don’t mind. Just don’t spend taxpayer money trying to rebuild, let them rot. If they move to the suburbs, I predict real bullets will be used, lol.

Good way to kill a rival gangbanger while the cops are distracted.

That would be hilarious. All the ghettos would be burning.