Drug addicts shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place.
Drug addicts shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place.
Cops shouldn’t do that, they could get STDs.
Or he could just keep doing what he’s doing, and make a shitload of money.
The NFL didn’t prevent any team from signing him. No NFL team wanted to put up with the PR nightmare. YTs in Baltimore walked out of the stadium after most of the team kneeled during the London game in 2017. It was just common sense not to piss off a big chunk of your fan base.
Kaepernick is a moron. The Ravens were seriously considering signing him, and then his idiot girlfriend insulted Ray Lewis. Besides, he peaked way back in 2012, he is obsolete now.
Good luck with that.
I don’t get that argument. It would still be the same game, the players would be a bit slower on average, but you wouldn’t notice because both teams would be the same. Football existed for 50 some years without blacks.
He’s washed up by now anyway. The NFL didn’t blackball him, the owners knew that it would piss off at least 25% of their fans if they signed him, so it wasn’t worth it. IMHO he blew it when he wore those stupid pig socks, after that most YTs hated him.
I call for increased police violence, lol! Take the gloves off!
There is a minor riot in my hood, lol!
They can also speak fluent English, not Ebonics.
Oh noes! Makeup is racist!
Koreans will stand up, and shoot the looting Africans, lol.
It’s all the fault of “European Beauty Standards” though.
The U.S. has millions of extremely violent, drugged up blacks that are constantly causing mayhem. Those are the ones that usually get wasted by the cops, so it is really a good thing.
No one cares about COVID anymore, “police brutality” is the new media darling.
I seemed to have pissed off a lot of the dindus?
We Wuz kangz!
Bix nood dawg!