
Yeah, but he was turnin his life around.


It is actually the opposite. The Krauts wanted to kill off the Jews, but the Whiteys wanted to breed the blacks to the maximum amount possible, as they had economic value.

Just saying, blacks had full employment and room and board back then.

The Columbus thing is funny, he literally sailed across the Atlantic and began the conquest of the Caribbean and New World. What happened to the Natives is irrelevant in the big picture, most of them died of introduced diseases, and they were living in the stone age anyway. It was just a natural clash of different

Also known as educated people.

Gotta blame whitey!

I though Covid-19 was killing black people disproportionately?

The author can’t even figure out that 2016 was four years ago, I think understanding the relationship between rising insurance rates and stores leaving the hood is a couple bridges too far.

They wonder why they live in “food deserts.” Non stop shoplifting and occasional full on looting are not part of a sustainable business model.

Why do blacks live in the U.S. if it is so terrible? Ghana would be happy to take them in, I’m sure it’s lovely.

“Nearly three years later” Math is hard.

Its dey culchur!

Uh, it is pretty much just blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics, that seem to have issues with the police. You don’t see too many Asians or Indians rioting.

Why do the females always shriek the same phrase over and over?

I mean, I’m glad they did what they did, but they are technically traitors.

The government generally tries to prevent lynching’s nowadays.

Lol, they burned down the “affordable housing” building they are always bitching about. Have fun living in a cardboard box.

We should have picked our own cotton.

You need to diversify your replies, muhfugga!