We don’t need to hear “Oh no you didn’t!” repeated 100 times at shrieking tones by some black woman.
We don’t need to hear “Oh no you didn’t!” repeated 100 times at shrieking tones by some black woman.
HUD shouldn’t be a thing whatsoever. If localities or states want to provide nearly free housing for losers, that is their prerogative. I don’t want my tax dollars going to it.
Why is an African appropriating the culture of the Franks? I am offended.
He beez a kang and sheeit!
And yet there still seem to be more of them, lol.
I have yet to know a single person who has contracted this virus.
God I wish they would reinstitute the landowning requirement to vote. Servants are not qualified to be voters, IMHO.
This is why all blacks should emigrate from the United States ASAP! Go to Wakanda! Whitey hates you!
If it hadn’t been for the black death, I wonder if European peasants would have taken the place of the black slaves? America would be a paradise at this point, and the Africans would only have to worry about the Muslims enslaving them.
Jesus, they need a wider screen for her, lol.
Blacks don’t like her because she worked with the police.
He should pick Condoleezza Rice.
Can we return them? We’ll even pay for shipping, no refund required.
You should vote for Trump! He loves the blacks!
It is whitey’s fault that they live in food deserts, lol.
In that case, whitey needs to step up his game, big time. It seems like the black population is growing.
I wish we would get rid of birthright citizenship. Most other nations do not have that abomination.
So United moved the woman. What should they have done, thrown her out of the airplane, lol?