
Well don’t be a drug dealer and you won’t get hanged.

That makes sense, considering the military has been lowering its standards for years now.

Most blacks survive their encounters with the police, hence their many subsequent arrests. Just look at Freddie Gray’s rap sheet.

I haven’t had any bad encounters with police for the past 20 years or so, so I don’t have a problem with them.

I got a haircut today, it was awesome. In the area I live, I believe it is still technically unlawful.

I think you are a different person from the usual one that says this. Very creative.

Now playing

He was turning his life around, aspiring rapper. Racist popo were harassing him on his day off. Never mind that he was already driving on a suspended license, lol.

Asians aren’t big fans of dindus, lol.

The U.S. will be Zimbabwe lol.

He wuz turnin his life around and sheeit.

Laws be raycess!

Sounds like dindu on dindu violence, who gives a fuck.

Shit, we have too many people in this country as it is.

Lol, whitey made all the dindus get together and spread the beer virus.

Even the virus is racist!

It has apparently been taken over by burners.

Real men wear a raincoat!

Shit, we have too many people as it is, let Corona chan do her worst!

Whiteys are evil!

YT beez the debil!