
They should have stayed in the Motherland, I suppose. YT killed them.

For all of Russia’s issues, they are one of the few European nations not overrun with third world migrants.

Uh, I think those animals were going to get “depopulated” regardless, lol.

See meme

I don’t know why libtard whites exist. Yeah, we conquered the world, now the rest of you subordinates obey, or face the consequences. 

I think he got Plasma from a survivor and is immune.

I think it may be more beneficial to just let as many people as possible be exposed to the virus. I read that 88% of the people who require ventilators due to the disease end up dying anyway, so the strain on the healthcare system, while unfortunate, doesn’t really matter all that much. If Corona Chan wants you, she

The local restaurants are delivering food and alcohol as we speak, here in Maryland. I think I’ll survive okay.

As long as his constituents like it, it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks anyway. He isn’t doing anything illegal.

Eh, there were good people on both sides.

Probably yet another Jussie Smollett style hoax.

I’ve been saying they should do this for years. Get some chains and an officer with a shotgun, and you are all set. Prisoners are a massive drain on taxpayers, we might as well recoup some of our expenses.

Sucks you don’t have the 2nd Amendment up there, same with Australia.

The kids in cages thing cracks me up. Like we should just let them go free. Send them back to wherever they came from.


He was turning his life around.

Nazis were only trying to clean up the degenerate Weimar republic and fight commies.

Libtard logic.

They dindu nuffin, muhfugga!