They forgot the following:
They forgot the following:
As long as the dying get plenty of morphine, I don’t see why dying of COVID-19 is any worse than dying of pneumonia or whatever like most old folks do.
Hello fellow Marylander! Hogan for President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Britain and the U.S. should have joined forces with Hitler and pummeled the Soviets, Patton knew what was up.
Eh, we have an overpopulation problem anyway. Fire up the crematoriums, lol.
Muslim barbarians are not my concern.
I’ve always liked Nixon for some reason.
I’d rather just be a member of the elite, lol.
Christianity or Islam?
She was unfairly villainized, IMHO.
Coran Chan does not liked to be mocked!
There will always be poverty, because there will always be lazy and/or stupid people.
Prosecuting accused criminals is racist, they dindu nuffin, turning their life around.
Following laws is racist.
The problem with the whole “flattening the curve” thing is that it just means this will drag on longer and longer. If everyone was exposed to the virus, sure, more people would die, but it would go away relatively quickly and we could return to normal.
He’s breaking barriers, a half Jap hillbilly!
Japs be racist!
Yup, same as Baltimore.
Dat virus beez rayciss muhfugga!
If the Chinese come to their senses, they will not make the same mistake as the U.S., and will deport all the Africans before it is too late.