Dindus are basically living in the stone age, hence why every other race hates them, lol.
Dindus are basically living in the stone age, hence why every other race hates them, lol.
Blacks aren’t generally fans of social distancing, lol.
Makes sense, higher average IQ, less likely to get seriously ill and die.
It originated from a Chinese “wet market” in Wuhan, if they would shut those places down, it would lead to a lot less new diseases.
If they send medical teams to the hood, they’d better make sure they have plenty of armed security, lol.
Sad, another anchor baby. They should have thrown her ass back over the border before she had the baby.
Those came from Africans eating and/or fucking wild primates.
It’s over, your boy got curb stomped, just like four years ago. Most Americans are not socialists.
Lol, I thought Tara Reade was an actress. Apparently not.
Black people got that extra layer of skin, lol.
Didn’t realize the Theodore Roosevelt was a communist ship now, lol.
Coron chan is getting busy in Rikers!
Ropes be racist.
Those “threats” usually end up being hoaxes.
Coronas be rayciss!
Calling someone dumb is racist, apparently.
Sorry, I don’t speak bix nood.
I’m not a Republican, lol. And I don’t care about abortion one way or the other.