I enjoy the working from home thing, but the being ordered to do things kind of pisses me off. If I want to spread Coronvirus I’ll do it motherfuckers.
I enjoy the working from home thing, but the being ordered to do things kind of pisses me off. If I want to spread Coronvirus I’ll do it motherfuckers.
Water is racist, don’t you know how many blacks become rockfish each year?
Libtards, lol.
You know you can just make another one, right? Babies used to die all the time throughout most of history, and yet life went on.
I’ve been saying for years the U.S. shouldn’t have gotten involved in WW2, either with Germany or Japan. As long as the Japs didn’t attack the Philippines, or other U.S. possessions, we shouldn’t have interfered with them. They only attacked us because of the oil embargo.
Under promise and over deliver, as Jim Cramer would say.
YT made the coronavirus to kill blacks, just like the CIA created the crack epidemic.
Dindus gonna dindu wherever they are.
This whole thing is overrated, at the most less than a million U.S. residents will kick the bucket, we have plenty more semi uselful residents.
Yeah, people say that, but if it isn’t your blood and flesh then it isn’t really your child, that is just basic biology. I mean, wild male animals kill their new mates offspring so that their biological offspring will succeed them. I figure that is the natural way.
Beer virus is overrated, come back when it kills like 50% of the population, like a real plague! I laugh at you Kung Flu, lol!
There should be an over/under on this in Vegas. I’d bet under 250,000. Hell the border jumpers will replace that in a month or so anyway.
Still a pussy pandemic, the black death laughs at the beer virus.
In the big picture it isn’t that many though, we have like 350 million people. To paraphrase Dan Carlin, we can take a punch.
Give up all hope, Corona Chan is the new God!
Lol, this is the opposite side of the retard argument I replied to.
TLDR, if you can’t biologically have a kid, it is because you are not meant to biologically. Just adopt one, there are plenty to go around.
I’m happy!
No wonder this generation is worthless. You can’t stand to not see your friend for a few months?
Shit, I’m loving the “stay at home order.” I can work from home like a motherfucker!