
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

I returned to it after months for the Halloween promo, but I haven’t opened it since that ended.

Honest question... does anyone care about Pokemon Go anymore? I played it like crazy when it first released but over time i spent less and less time playing it until eventually i uninstalled it from my phone.

While you are right in that Candy Crush Saga is ultimately a generic Bejeweled clone, I’d call out that “non-gamers” labeling as exclusionary and juvenile. Games are for everyone, not some elite class of enthusiasts as your separation of “non-gamers” from “gamers” implies, and there’s more than enough room for casual

You know this is kinda why I hate the gamer mentality today. If something is hard just Google or Youtube it! Half the fun of something like this is figuring it out yourself.

I disagree with you slightly - with practice you can become skilled even when working with lesser tools, but I find it's infinitely easier to cook with my All-Clad pans than the cheaper pieces I've held on to over the years. They heat evenly, and they heat up faster. We registered for a few pieces but I've added to it

I disagree with you slightly - with practice you can become skilled even when working with lesser tools, but I find