
This reminds me of all those papers in high school I procrastinated on, only to rewrite a whole bunch of phrases from my research material at the last second to get a barely passing grade. BUT LOOK AT ME NOW!

I think you have your Genji and Hanzo flipped.

Why aren’t the people who were up in arms about the Ghost in the Shell white-washing up in arms about the clear ASIAN WASHING THAT IS GOING ON HERE. EDWARD IS NOT A JAPANESE DUDE WITH BLONDE HAIR.

It’s a setting you can turn off on console.

This game still has one of my favorite soundtracks

So it’s a slower, seemingly a bit more boring version of the Rayman Run series?

Now playing

Allow me to introduce you to the Deathball.

I guess we have different experiences. I’ve been solo q’ing on the PS4 and I’ve steadily moved from 2500 to 2900 with a pretty average record of 25-20. Hoping to break into Diamond. While I have played with some pretty bad teams, I’ve also played with a lot of good teams, too.

That is the perfect demise to a team of Lucios.

This isn’t a bad idea! It might even help me go the fuck to sleep way earlier.

Refund? You’re helping to fund in hopes of a deliverable, not a guaranteed deliverable.

You guys clearly didn’t read the article.

THEY MADE A SEQUEL??? I have many a high scores all across the world in Phoenix HD.

Being at rank 65 should qualify me to say this, but Genji’s are hardly a problem on the PS4. Generally I’ll switch over to Winston if an enemy team has a Genji that is a bit of a bother. Teamed up with a ally Zenyatta, those Genji’s just melt away.

People have different priorities in life and different budgets? NO WAY! Get off your high horse and stop calling anyone’s life depressing if they start to think differently than you do.

And how exactly is that a bad thing? I much enjoyed games that came out decades ago that didn’t hold your hand at every step.

Is there a list of episodes I should watch vs episodes I should skip, or should I just start from episode 1 and watch them all?

Figma and Figuarts ALL DAY. I have NO idea why anyone wastes their time with these entirely inferior Marvel Legends. They’re so ugly.

Expanded key re-binding functionality -