
So as someone who follows just enough basketball to know that “The Warriors/Steph Curry are really good” and little else, what exactly is going on here? Has Bosh become so shitty that the Heat just want him off the court entirely, or is the general consensus that the team is legitimately worried about his health?

WOO! My favorite LA pedestrian story is when a lady zipped out of the Grove/Farmers Market access road onto Fairfax (while on her phone) and hit me while I was crossing the road...luckily I saw her coming and realized that she wasn’t going to stop, and managed to jump back enough that it was only a glancing blow, but

Yep. I’ve been nearly hit at the Fairfax/Beverly intersection while crossing with the light at least 5 times over the past year by idiots blowing through a red light or not stopping before turning right. At least it’s not as bad as Downtown, where the cops are more likely to ticket YOU for getting hit...

I sure do miss the old Deadspin when you could make an off-color joke without it getting deleted right away. Guess this place is going the way of Gawker...

“Illegally parked” would tend to denote a “parking infraction,” so I’m not sure what’s “alleged” about that. Also, I hope the next time someone blocks your driveway and you can’t get to work/somewhere important, the tow truck doesn’t show up, because fuck all traffic enforcement and tow truck drivers, right?

I like how people like you complain about other people complaining, you special little snowflake.

Anyone know where Jon Jones was last night?