One of the few classic arcade games that lends itself REALLY well to a touchscreen.
It was DOA from the moment they announced the double dipping price structure. It would have been much more attractive as a Game Pass/Netflix style service. At the absolute bare minimum there needs to be a way to download your purchases. Game availability is only another mark against an already unattractive…
Mario Kart Tour was awesome at first and then it slowly descended into phone game money hungry tactics. I loved the way it looked, the swipe controls become comfortable and the game made chasing the high score super compelling. The leader boards for prizes were amazing at first....Then it became more pay 2 win than I…
A game that forces you to buy an entirely new console if you want multiple people to be able to play it on their own is objectively anti-consumer.
I’m assuming all the different accounts on the Switch can play their own characters in the same town, right? That’s pretty much how the game has always been intended to be played since the GameCube original.
it was a huge leap in the direction of graphics-over-game and separating out story from the gameplay
We’re heading into personal opinion territory here, but...
Are people still making this argument? This was back in the day when people saw graphic adventure/puzzle games like Myst “killing off” text adventures and Lucasarts-style adventure games. Which they didn’t.
So you’re the guy that keeps raining sausages down on my head in online matches! I guess I should have expected that with a name like BogusMeatFactory!
Cuphead especially feels like he could have been a really good fleshed out character.
What’s the pothole density in UT vs MI?
No, they’re adding entire new swaths of content: story, modes, areas to explore. The 200 Mons are being added alongside. It’s the same thing they would have pulled in previous generations by making you pay full price for a pseudo-sequel, but this time for half the original game’s cost. Plus you don’t have to start…
The old species are being added in a free update. You’ll be able to transfer them from old games or receive them in trades. The only thing you have to pay for is the areas where you can catch them.
I didn’t realize the 2k20 in the title was the expiration date.
Bla bla bla
If I wanted to play Yakuza, I’d play Yakuza. I want to play Shenmue.
The people who backed this game wanted Shenmue III as it would be if it were made in 2003, and we’re happy with that.
Seriously. I would trade all the smart functionality of my TV for an extra HDMI port.
I have never used all the Pokemon in the series in ANY Pokemon game I have ever played, and I have played every Pokemon gen. I’ve never transferred up my Pokemon from previous games, because I like building a new team and not using the old one. And the only time I ever turned off Exp Share was when I was trying to…