
The title track to phantasy star 3 may very be one of the best songs of that era. It is so insanely powerful!

The internet is a small place! I am with you 100% sega was truly st its best in the saturn and dreamcast but it’s marketing and hardware design was just... off. Oh man... you mention sega racing games and my heart is all aflutter! Rolling Start anyone?!

The Sega Saturn era was one of the most creative times for Sega. It's music and art is so distinct and creative. Burning rangers has this jazz/pop fusion, clockwork knight had jazz and samba, panzer dragoon was just a wild alien amalgamation all leading to some absolutely astounding works of music and art.

Stock Market Big-Wig: Hey son? How much do you think Roblox is worth?

Words have meaning and when, in their press release they say, "We have allowed dragon age to be single player." It says a lot about the company and how it runs its business.

They are stating this to do some sort of damage control. “SEE?! You wanted single player? Here! We are ALLOWING (their words.) Dragon Age to be Single Player! Don’t you love us?!”

This makes my day. It is okay for games to be just dumb fun. They don't need to be 10/10... they just have to be fun and I was really hoping that was the case for this one. Curious to see what folks say about this!

It is actually not common for folks to say, “I’ve played all of these games and am not interested in this.” Most folks don’t play every game on release and the average consumer is not a ravenous game consumer. So to say, “I don’t think a game running a little better will make me want to play a game again.” Is not a

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to generalize your four sentence post. Do you feel that your comment highlighted an important insight to the news article? Did you feel that you were bringing a unique perspective to the table? Did you offer context to your perspective presented? What happens here is, by not offering those

Do you play every game ever released?

So you are telling me that you have played every single game on that list? Maybe take this from the perspective from a person who hasn’t, a person who probably skipped out on the Xbox One in favor of other platforms and seeing that they are available and optimized for the new system. That can be enticing for a lot of

Oh absolutely they sell well. Excluding their free to play games on 3ds, they sell 1.5-2.9 million copies in every iteration. We aren't even gonna talk about the last fzero games sales. If you are a Nintendo franchise and you aren't breaking 1 million in sales, it is a problem and neither metroid nor fzero broke the

You bring up a great point. Nintendo is always about looking to do something different with their franchises. What gimmick can they come up with. There isn't nearly as much potential in metroid or fzero than there is with kirby.

Oh that’s an easy answer. Kirby games sell... metroid and fzero don’t.

I also stated on a previous post that the bulk of rare talent left long before the acquisition which is why Nintendo didn't continue their majority shareholding in the company which led to Microsoft taking over. You are right.

The acquisition of this is further entrenching the idea that Microsoft is trying to make Game Pass be THE PLACE to play video games. They are seeing this far more as a publishing platform than as a system seller. They want game pass to be the thing people subscribe to and use.

You spoke of corporate culture and that Nintendo has had a history of having some of the best corporate culture out there as an example and I provided an interview from an employee of that company showing the opposite. You also highlight Rare being relegated to Kinect games, which I have to point out only happened 8

You have a very strange perception of how Nintendo’s work environment. Enjoy an interview from an employee of Nintendo in Kyoto from the late 80's to 90's describing Nintendo as, “Old-school,” and like, “A factory.” You have a fantasy of what it must be like to work at Nintendo and that it creates a culture of magic

Top rare employees left 5 years after the acquisition and what people later attributed to the outcome of rare as being avatars makers didnt happen until 8 years after the acquisition. The quality of rares games was dropping and talented staff was leaving before the acquisition. People seem to think that the game

Oh I love modern day Rare. Sea of Thieves is a spectacular game that is filled to the brim with amazing art design, music and gameplay. I am just saying that old rare was a shadow of its former self which is why ninteno didnt maintain a majority shareholder in the company. They are great now!