I do think it’s a good time to get a Switch. Ride the train.
I do think it’s a good time to get a Switch. Ride the train.
Where is Mario Strikers?? Tennis is fine and all, but Strikers Charged was easily the best Mario themed sports title.
People aren’t suggesting his testicles be cut from his body and he be strung up from a tree to slowly strangle to death. People are suggesting he banned from obtaining monetary profits from performances on a single website.
A team of writers and producers who vetted and meticulously planned all those seemingly spur of the moment stunts and bits. A team of MTV-paid lawyers telling them what they could and couldn’t do to avoid being sued. The network having to strictly follow FCC content guidelines. Oh, and advertisers, who would pull…
I have to say it:
Oh look, Consequences! No wonder people are upset, they haven’t had to deal with such a concept in a while.
The existence of beds shows me that this is a real unhealthy workplace.
If you need beds then you have that kind of environment where workers are encouraged to stay at the company as long as possible, forgoing social contacts outside and “live for their job”.
This is pretty prevalent in the gaming and tech industry,…
I don’t think my parents loved the Simpsons and a few of my teachers thought that Bart Simpson represented some great moral failure (more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons!), but they would still have a laugh at a particularly good joke and thought that Homer was a pretty good comic character.
I can not fathom how anyone possessing the brain capacity for even autonomous bodily functions, like breathing, could possibly think this was okay.
That’s what underrated means, you knob.
I mean, they can try, but actually the children of evangelicals are rejecting their parents’ religious and ideological viewpoints in large numbers as it is.
He’s also talkzing about the need to get women back into the home. Look at all the trouble they’re causing running wild like this!
Ummm did people really find this that hard. It took me 3 tries.
The Switch is portable, right?
I had to look at that photo three times before I realised that was the backdrop and not her hair. o_____o
I enjoy it as a kill time in a moment kinda game. I’ve never felt pressured to purchase any leaf currency. It would be nice to get more day to day variety though to get what you want. Maybe even that clothes crafting...
Ah, at last! I can’t wait to play the finished product. It looks significantly refined from when I backed the Kickstarter and then let it fall off my radar.
I don’t think that word means what you think it means
“The plot is paper thin.”
I think they should go to Flint and drink out of a hallway water fountain.