
You know what happens when you leave halflings unchecked? Athas. #Rajaatforthehollow

It’s got a Waluigi skin. That’s reason enough for me to get it.

I like buttons :/ some people aren’t very staticky and touch controls won’t move or respond 1st try.

I totally agree with Sam Barlow’s comments about Infocom’s A Mind Forever Voyaging —it was such a spectacular game, and it was all just text; it remains one of my all-time favorite games. I remember drawing a map that filled several pages of my notebook, and in the end I had to tear out the pages and just attached

Also a person in my 30's and have been playing since the 80's and I too loved Firewatch. I thought the story was fantastic.

Yep. I bought Firewatch and Unravel both this past weekend and played them both. They definitely put me in full on “feels trip” mode.

I was the same way. I noticed the ring was on the desk at the beginning of the day as I was about to leave Henry’s tower. I struggled a good few minutes with what I should do with it. Leave it on the desk, put it on, etc. This was also a fair bit into the story where I imagined Henry starting to fall for Delilah and

You aren’t alone in your thoughts of Firewatch’s mediocre quality, it’s just that people who review video games for a living really like it! It’s a game that plays off your expectations and reviewers are, typically, supposed to hone the ability to review without any expectations at all. The rest of us, unfortunately,

I’d think that the “other systems” probably consists of the good voice acting, story, and dialogue. Lets be real here, I don’t, and I wager many don’t, remember or care about the story from Far Cry 2.

- Find a working PS2

Oh I think I remember skimming the review for the first chapter, but otherwise I have never heard of this game. It looks pretty interesting. I might have to look out for this when it gets a sale.

A bit too much faith put into the people mover, however

youtube retsuprae. they’re basically the dudes who started let’s plays back in the day and they play terrible games and make fun of them. It’s great.

This is more rhythm than anything. In the videos above you can see he pauses a few times because the rhythm of the course changes.

Great article Patricia. I agree that Mario Maker definitely has some issues with regards to curation, but I’m still having a great time with it.

Your levels sound good. If you put a code for one of them, I will follow you and check out the rest of your selection.

Someone actually already corrected me on this. All of the little things you miss with the editor. haha.

Now playing

Really THAT’S the top level? Not even that good of an auto level. The Mario Kart one was cool, but let’s not forget some of the crazy shit people have already done in Mario World hacks.