
Really? Because he didn’t do what other companies did? He was still an innovator, and to say someone won’t be missed because he made business descions you don’t agree with is really disrespectful. He has a family.

Exactly. Don’t be a dick.

Poor Phil. All he’ll be remembered for this weekend is that his attitudes toward Kickstarter are even worse than Jason’s. Damn entitled young folks.

This is my view as well. It sounds like this game is really going to cater to people who like exploration for the sake of discovery; the type of people who spend more time in Skyrim wandering the wilderness looking for random caves and interesting areas than doing the story line.

I’m trying to keep my hype-levels in

I also think a problem is that games can not have secrets anymore, everything that the game has to offer has to be revealed otherwise players feel like they dont know the game.

I was looking for a way to explain why someone earlier just refused to derive any pleasure from the game Ark and has similar feelings towards most survival, exploration, or creative sandbox types of games.

If you’re more into a main goal, there is one- reach the center of the galaxy. This should take 40-100 hours- significantly longer than many AAA games. And the main goal isn’t even the main part of the game- it’s optional.

Sigh. It sounds epic. If it’s anywhere near as good as it looks, it’ll be great. It’s procedural generation is actually what allows it to have more exploration potential- each creature you meet will probably not be seen by another player..... ever. You’re quest is your own, unlike Skyrim, where missions are set for

Exactly my thinking. It’s easy to over-hype yourself when something this ambitious shows it’s head, so I try to only get excited about things that are directly reported on. So far, I’m still excited.

It this going to be a insanely complex, realistic “universe-sim”? No, but what’s it’s shaping-up to be is still amazing

Yes this the best day and year in my life and you really have nice wife congrats :)

Finally. Finally.

I can’t wait for the cross-America forklift race and the ultimate zero-G battle on the moon!

DO YOU really crave that lifting crates simulator?!

Fuck. I’m actually crying.

I would think that Valve’s unspoken stance on that might be something along the lines of, “If it’s that old it isn’t worth pursuing action over.” Much like many big companies outlook on old ROMs; no, they don’t like them being out there, but unless you’re being brazen about it they aren’t beating down your door,