
before I actually heard it I thought you were just another whiner, but good god, you’re right thats disgusting (the music) played by a 12 year old trying to play his first song one note at a time.

I didn’t know Sega wrote a book on how to shoot your own feet.

Well Sega’s already rereleased some games on Steam before, there’s a Dreamcast collection on Steam right now.

Very nice, now where the hell are some remasters of Skies of Arcadia and Shenmue 1&2? Heck, the Gamecube version of Skies is good enough, just give us a good port of Shenmue.

exactly, the point that i try to make. bad stuff happens, and i cna understand a reasonable caution, but given the risk averse nature of modern publishers, kickstarter is a invaluable part of the development ecosystem.

I think the method of funding probably helps. A game that’s a success on Kickstarter might not have been in the hands of a major publisher. There are publishers like Activision who can afford to run three major developers all on the same annual franchise. The more narrow margins of a couple million dollar production

The worst Mario Kart stage is better than 90 percent of other game’s stages.

I think Moo Moo Meadows must be the best 200cc track. It works better at 200cc than anything slower.

Baby Park is CRAZY. I can get 1st in 200cc on all courses except that, it becomes a chaotic mess... but a good one.

Desert levels. Always desert levels.

Not sure that “BogusMeatFactory” is much of an improvement, sir.

I’m 100% on the side of the devs with this one.

only a matter of time until someone gets killed during one of these pranks.

Agree with everything you say. If we start ignoring it, do we start paying attention again and actually do something about it when someone gets hurt? Why wait until it reaches that point. I know the police have to treat each of these pranks seriously on the off chance that the situation is real and not a prank, but

Are you considering upgrading to this New 3DS? Here are the conditions that I'd recommend upgrading under:

I just heard about this game, and as a fan of Myst-like stuff, am excited that it's coming to the XB1. I like that MS is working harder to get more indie titles on their platform.

Platforming was always just as big a part of the 2D Sonic games, and there was ALWAYS a pretty equal mix of speed and platforming.

I loved the whole series, I think I even have the original floppy disks packed up somewhere in the basement. I started when it was originally called "Hero's Quest".