Words - besides the ones I am currently using - I have none.
Words - besides the ones I am currently using - I have none.
I did not express that the Wii U is the ONLY way to have that...just using an example from my personal experience. That is all. I do not want people to think that the xbox playstation or PC is a bad experience in comparison by any means.
I do not mean any disrespect to you, honestly, but I can not see how you can tell someone that they do not have the right to be happy, because they do not experience things the way you experience them. This is a problem we experience on the internet. We try to muscle our intellectual point of view on others as if that…
I don't think that makes a difference. Between matches you look at each other and hoot and holler and in board games, you stare intensely at your own cards or the board strategizing your next move. Every second isn't revolving around direct interaction with people. People who say that video games aren't as interactive…
Oh I have. I have played co-operative board games, competitive board games and also just whacky games like Cards Against Humanity. I still feel the parallels are there and I love all forms of gaming and experiencing them both equally with others. As I stated before, Gaming in any shape or form with other people…
Why are you making this into an argument? I never once denounced the awesomeness of board games? I feel as if you are telling me that my experiences and joy are invalid, making the idea of board games spreading fun and enjoyment a false idea as you are clearly upset and angry at other people's joy.
You have never played a video game with a friend in person before? You are missing out, as it is the exact same thing as playing a board game... Magical.
They play, no auctions, they don't trade with each other, and just roll, pay, roll, pay, roll pay, "Give me house. Give me Hotels," and it is really really depressing!
That is exactly it. And it isn't even about winning. You don't seem to care if you lose as long as people are engaged with each other and having fun. That is a true testament to the success of something. Sure the Wii U may not have the financial success people want, but to me, it has created more than enough…
How so? It is different if you play a game like Wind Waker HD by yourself and alone in comparison to playing a game like Mario Kart or Nintendoland with others. You are playing games, communicating with others in person and having fun. I know people who play games like Monopoly or card games like Canasta and never say…
This is why I enjoy what the Wii U represents. It means face to face interaction in fun and engaging ways with friends and family. My wife and I play the games offered and have a blast showing it off to other friends and family members. Gaming in general is, I feel, a necessity to exist as humans. Like comedy, games…
That is why it is important to put your own limitations on yourself. Some games leave the world open and up to interpretation. Games like DayZ and, The Forest, do not have an end game per se, but they allow you to create a story for yourself. When completed, you put an end to that tale yourself without the constructs…
Hi Dave.
I have found that to be the exact opposite. I have played with large groups of friends and when doing an acceleration setup, I will be left in the dirt by the high speed loadouts. The only way you stand a chance is if other people stick with a higher acceleration loadout, or if you have a full roster and items play a…
Yeah it only can mess you up if you are playing split screen. The limited horizontal view with the ink barely gives you much to look at. Same amount of ink as single player, with half the screen.
Coins increase your overall speed. The more coins, the faster you go. Super Horn, you see all the time in first place and saves you against the, "unfair," blue shell. If you are playing split screen, the blooper is devastating and gets me every time in certain tracks at it is incredibly difficult to see through and…
Yeah that is exactly it. There is a lot of skill and technique involved with what he does, but when you look at those, "Villians," that people boo, you see the commonality. When Filipino Champ plays against Hagar he goes lame and just pushes them away..lame..boo. I think that with Justin, he has been playing, not only…
I think it is because of his old lame style of play from back in Street Fighter 3. That has now been replaced with Chris G's style which is dull, albeit affective. When a person turtles and plays lame, they get booed no matter what.
Do a Barrel Roll!
Is it ironic that Nigerian players pick Dictator? .....too soon?