
I just blue myself.

Why ditch the dino-taming, though? Can you imagine him walking into a boardroom, three-piece suit, flanked by raptor bodyguards wearing sunglasses and earpieces?

You missed "The monster is blue and full of errors!"

Or it's a complete miscue. Trailers love that shit.

Russia is no longer selling plutonium-238, possibly because they too have run out or are running out.

For a second I thought you meant protections to prevent the sexual exploitation of AIs or something. I was about to be like “ok, you’re just a little bit early to this discussion.” But no, the rights to your digitally-created images will definitely be an exciting legal development.

Haptic feedback is being researched elsewhere, and when that becomes workable, I fully expect to see it integrated with the technologies being developed here - these people are working on images because that’s what they do.

Considering that one of Sorkin's biggest problems is tell vs show - he'll have all the characters describe another character in a given way consistently, but in practice, they always fail to live up to the hype of those around them - is not really a problem that Martin has ever had, I wouldn't mind him try to one-up

This is exactly why I'm scared they're jumping the shark with the new clone. Hoping he can do what she's been doing for two seasons now feels like hoping lighting strikes twice in the same place.

Hey, now, Shades of Grey is a great novel. Not to be confused with 50 Shades of Grey.

Agreed. Pretty much every feminist I know, if the topic of ratings in movies comes up, will complain about how quickly sex drives a rating up, even though sex is a normal, healthy part of the human experience, but violence is completely normalized.

As opposed to...?

Fuck you, I laugh like a hyena/witch hybrid and laughing is one of my favorite activities.

Weird. When I say I'm a hopeless romantic, I mean it in a "I tend to stare at a far-away place, imagining romantic moments in the future, growing old together with them, all in the space of 10 seconds, and I have a bad tendency to do that multiple times an hour when I'm crushing really bad" kind of way.

Remind me what Savage had just said to make him giggle?

Sure, it's selfish.

It's an old excuse, sir, but it checks out.

The idea that in the modern era, Japan would go to war with the US is as redonkulous as Germany randomly invading France again.

Can we maybe get everyone who says their sign is "Very important to them" on OK Cupid to use this service instead? Please?

I think I'm going to work that into a bar joke. Here's my initial try, tell me what you think.