"Everyone knows it's unconstitutional and indefensible, and the wingnuts have wasted enough of everyone's time and money trying to invent any remotely-plausible-sounding defense that'd stand up in court."
"Everyone knows it's unconstitutional and indefensible, and the wingnuts have wasted enough of everyone's time and money trying to invent any remotely-plausible-sounding defense that'd stand up in court."
Any mention of Big Cat Rescue (one of the best places on youtube ever) would be remiss without a posting of their finest video ever of, yes, big cats in boxes:
Speaking as someone who loves me some Britney, it's not just snobbery to be fed up with the über-proliferation of "theatrical, studio-produced cultural amalgams designed to sell sell sell" - it's the fact that there are amazing singers out there with actual non-computer-generated talent, and they often get buried…
I knew you were referring to the thread commenters. I was using sarcasm. And you did actually imply that the processes in use are currently adequate with your "more research needed before change" - that suggests you don't think the change should occur yet.
Yeah, I hear you. It sucks how groups like the AMA and Red Cross just keep spouting off this nonsense about how the criteria are horribly oudated without actually having access to facts and science and stuff.
Your argument seems to be based on cost - a cost that the FDA is reluctant to pay. But the FDA is just the deciding entity - they don't exactly go around doing FDA blood drives.
Personally, the term 'savage' is so often used in racist tones, it seems problematic at best. Not word policing, just pointing out that racists have ruined a word for the rest of us.
Yes, yes. There's a total moral equivalence between being outraged at people who walk around with cameras strapped to their face, potentially photographing people without their consent, and occasionally harboring (and expressing) fantasies of violence towards those people...
I don't want to stomp over your feelings here, but this should serve as a reminder that not every victim/survivor will look physically vulnerable, and we (referring to the general human community of caring people here) should be ready to be supportive of people who are assaulted who don't necessarily look vulnerable…
Jena Malone as Johanna.
I don't believe you actually have a chainsaw. Can you take a photo of you sawing a car open (preferably holding the sign you mentioned) with your chainsaw to prove it?
Automatic reflexive response? Thanks for the confirmation that my snark was entirely unnecessary. ;)
Oh, and on the off chance kinja screws up that image for some reason, here's the original link: http://www.janetober.com/wp-content/upl…
Well technically she should have asked her dad to pay for condoms and a time machine. The time machine was implied.
In fact, teenagers are so reliable at making good decisions - especially poor, undereducated teenagers, that we long ago decided to make laws that mandated that any teenager caught making a bad decision should be forced to carry the worst possible consequences of that bad decision. This is done to highlight how rarely…
Wow, I really didn't think that show could have gotten worse after McCarthy's tenure there. I guess I forgot Palin existed. I wish I could pass that condition on to the rest of the country.
Extremist wacko Republicans are NOT a good thing for Democrats, period. Yes, they make the Republican Party look fucking crazy, but they've been successfully dragging the Overton Window over to the right for decades, which is why modern Democrats look like Nixon.
Totally misread that as Hannity & Clones.