
That's some gorgeous side-eye there. Do we know what this is from?

Welllll, to be fair, Bill Gates and his corporate structure have taken a huge steaming dump on humanity. Not to say that the back-peddling and overcompensation isn't appreciated, but Jolie is doing this mea culpa free.

Not to cause alarm,

Just because gender is a social construct doesn't mean it isn't real. Plenty of things are social constructs, fully recognized as such, and yet people participate in them freely.

I think I just threw up in my brain.

Agreed. I saw "consort" and I was like holy shit that's the best. Fuck the royal monopoly on language. Consorts for everyone!

Any specific advice you'd like to give on how to more effectively communicate needs at a Subway? I go there often enough I'd like to not be a moron.

Mako Mori test has another big flaw when compared to Bechdel. Bechdel is almost completely objective. It's fairly easy to measure how many female characters are present. You get some borderline cases - people arguing if a given trans* character counts as female, or people arguing if the female-voiced AI in Her is

You would be in fact, completely wrong. It's not 'deceptively low'. Character driven movies with only a small amount of characters still manage to get the men together to talk about things other than women all the time. And often, it passes by wide margins you could drive a truck through, while many other Bechdel