
A quick google search confirmed they’re the same guy.  I watched last night and was so confused as well because I jumped to the scene where they’re all talking to dave and he’s 3 of them (two of the chipmunks and dave).  I’m blown away it’s only only the same actor but also the son and owner of the franchise.  Truly

I’m going to be straight with you here: Yes. This is actually good animation. Technically good. It may not be to your taste but it is definitely a whole other level from the weird domination of Adventure Time/Family Guy degeneration of skills.

I think in a weird way as I reflect on it, this movie sort of plays in that sort of X-men world though, melodrama, severely dated dating/relationship norms, just so much wrong and nothing really landing.  It really does feel like Reitman pulled this script from the 1980s and just waited for special effects to catch up

Well, it’s one of those things where I promised myself I would do something and i’ll see it through, painfully stupid or not. To even say the original run are ‘The X-men’ is a stretch. The only two accurate characters are Cyclops and Jean Grey. Everybody else evolved significantly, Professor X is less a know-it-all

I’m promising myself that if I just make it through the original series the 1972 revival will make it all worthwhile...but I suspect what I really want is the 1980s where they basically write a ton of their classic storylines and I grew up with the cartoon and the 90's X-Men which actually seems to have been the sweet


To be fair, most of the X-Men have one really cool ability then would get immediately get gunned down in a hail of bullets. It’s kind of why most of them want to lay low. Their powers tend to be both narrow and out of control not to mention the weird deformities so many of the villains suffer from.  Which is also why

If it makes you feel better everybody I knew agreed it was just insanely problematic and not really a movie made for anybody who had a hint of feminism in them back when it was made. It was made for boomers and middle America still playing out ‘the old ball and chain!’ bit....because 2005 hadn’t been 30+ years since

It’s such a weird male power trip in these films. That if she truly were vindictive to this level she would just kill him and be done with it. Instead he gets to be a milquetoast asshole with no redeeming qualities and be with what amounts to two very powerful women and Anna Farris plays somebody who isn’t supposed to

More like just speaking engagements on OAN. They’ve got zero case against her and Cardi B seems like the kind of person to blow 100K on lawyers before handing these idiots the money. No, they’ll get free publicity on the white supremacy circuit for a few weeks, maybe land a paid speaking engagement, and then slink off

Same, I pictured him in his 50s.  But he is behind the complete collapse of modern sitcoms, so being a middle of the pack boomer makes so much sense...

I accept your concession of your point.  Feel free to go on.  I’m satisfied.  

Non-sequitur response is noted.

If you asked that question in seriousness: I’m sorry, in fact, in the 1970s new cinema had made crime and violence the epitome, I would even see that carried through to the 1980s. Using crime as your indicator of violence is a bad metric, that means it has to escalate all the way to police involvement, you cited

I’m going to assume ‘yes?’ I believe the PS Store is staying the same and as long as it lists PS5-Compatible I suspect it will let you download it right into the memory.

Norm MacDonald who had no sense of Bob Dole beyond repeating his name and was actually about 36-37 playing kind of old?  But the whole 90s cast was kind of old, too.  

. . .If you say stupid things people are going to assume your stupid. Is that how you want to be perceived? Did that statement make you feel smart or a ‘gotcha, lib!’ moment?

Oh yeah! I’m pretty sure we’re close in age (you’re maybe a few years older?) and I sucked up RBT like it was going out of style because my dad LOVES Sci-Fi and so we watched that, Monsters, Tales from the Darkside, The Twilight Zone, and The Outer Limits (Original and 90s version). He was 100% this sort of oddly

I see your point but I would argue that GuDG (who we haven’t seen in a decade), Herbert, Consuela, and such aren’t even supporting characters. I think Herbert has had 2 episodes centered around him and both were around his gimmick of being a sexual predator and Consuela had one(?) where she took Stewie in. They’re

Mainly because you don’t want to in that things like South Park don’t exist in a vacuum and the acceptance of their political hot take is damaging to a democracy where social action is the main driving force of change.