
Shitty nazi posts to tumblr pictures of people hitting the dodge AFTER it's hit the other two cars. Protip: Crop out the obvious reality that it was only hit after it struck them…

They knew Trump was sinking fast, they had to get some independent power spin out of his failing presidency. So they cost him more by taking more of his political capital. Course anybody with two eyes and a thimble full of brain would have realized this would be the outcome….but nobody ever said Nazis were smart.

It's from the B-list of comedians tier, where Paul Scheer, Brett Gelman, and the rest all kind of exist as not-quite-getting-their-own-HBO-special but not just doing the comedy circuit. They exist in a kind of weird limbo where AS sort of filled in that gap. Scheer can be really funny and amazingly bad. I feel like

They're not necessarily a straight up ponzi scheme, there are arguably ways to do direct marketing that offsets the cost….but not quite $40 a month per user, so a realistic price may be closer to $20-25 with direct marketing tied to them and black out dates on big budget films.

You either can make tickets super affordable and work the margins, making a fortune by putting more butts in seats and getting $1-3 per person OR you can try the luxury market approach by getting fewer butts in seats and hoping to squeeze $5-10 per person out of it. It's pretty clear the latter model is failing hard.

Truth. That's my bigger worry, time. But let's be fair here….The ammo? It's mounting. There is seriously not that much left that Republicans can hope to do unless they magically turn the economy around with actual well-paying jobs…

The problem is that his base and their base overlap. Kicking him to the curb drives a matter of how far can you separate these white nationalists/neo-nazis from the rest of the decrepit right-wing. Basically without their votes you just have the upper-middle class voting for tax cuts and they can't win elections.

They're at a +9-14 right now (depending on what poll you go with), they're pretty much a point or two away from guaranteeing taking the house even with gerrymandering.

The House is increasingly likely. The Senate is possible, but less likely.

Yeah, but they spent the entire weekend pretending Charlotteville didn't happen, AT ALL. It was insane…

You know….I'm pretty sure you're right which frightens me. :(

He was impeached because Republicans thought moral outrage could drive it. A number of legal experts considered his perjury so low level and actually protected by the 5th amendment that it should never have been given the time of day.

He's a special kind of stupid at this point but because his followers live in a bubble of isolation where they consume nothing but Fox News and the collective blogosphere of inane right-wing claptrap they've turned the whole discussion of 'how much should we hate Nazis?' into one of trying to figure out if ANTIFA is

I won't make the obvious Charlotteville's reference…but yeah….South Park was never good and has always been a breeding ground for scumbag views. Rick is at worst a nihilist, Trey and Matt are bigots.

Oh yes! Payday friday was Pizza Pizza night….Oh man, I remember those days so well. Running around, eating some crazy bread and watching TGIF….

OOOORRRR…..Now hear me out on this: The internet simply broke the simple gatekeepers of comedy. Before you listened to comedy albums by comedians who got lucky breaks and sometimes helped others with their sensibilities get a foothold.

My parents moved up to probably what would be considered middle-class nearing upper-middle in my late childhood. Sunday morning breakfast after Mass was routine, applebees was probably once a month if that.

I was waiting for some veer into creepy parody and yet it seems they're 100% genuine with their creepy trump-troll-bear beast.


First episode: Amazing.
Second Episode: Ok, setting a new normal.
Third Episode: PICKLE RIIIIIICCCK! Also, that reference to maintaining relationships being work was amazing.
Fourth Episode: Dear god, what did I watch? Why is Rick being an uncomfortable villain with no real sense of self or even a hint of remorse?