
It’s basically opening then locking me out again...Going to try and shut down and redo this. If not, least I got my user name.

I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy Kinja but Disqus isn't really a great system when you've got 3000+ comments on certain things and a hefty 3-500 normally on most articles. I prefer disqus and I will likely comment less in Kinja…but yeah…we had a good run. Time to go back to griping on political sites that use Disqus.

>.> I'm not sure you understand how 'coast-to-coast' live works….It goes on air at 11:30 ET, 10:30 CT, 9:30 MT, and 8:30 PT. Just yeah….

It's ok. I know the people who love Firefly truly LOVE Firefly. I want a good space western, just not one written by Josh Whedon….He's just not my thing. I've got no qualms against his work on a personal level. It's just not my bag……baby. >.>

1.) People don't farm it much? As Muslims come here and demand it more we'll see it more.
2.) People don't farm it much? Yeah….Duck isn't coming back, ever.
3.) People don't farm it at all. It tastes better as game anyways.

I had turtle soup when I first started living in New Orleans. I like seafood and perhaps it was the preparation at the restaurant but it tasted 'unclean' in the way some seafood can be. It's not that I wouldn't try it again but it made me question eating Turtle in general. Now, Nutra? Hell yeah, I would it everyday

I don't think Firefly was all that great what little I saw of it, but yes, a serial adulterer who used feminism to excuse his behavior is absolutely on par with no giving a damn about firefly….

Lets do this, troll. Say strike three, I'll chuckle, and then i'll reply a few more times to see if you can pretend your pathetic excuse for wit holds up.

Ok? So you're just a really crappy troll? It's not a big deal either way. Thanks for playing.

I'm not going to jump on the 'I told you so' bandwagon because I have a long history of not liking Whedon stuff in general but it's been comical to watch him be a pedestal-placed hero to feminism because he made a few female characters that weren't complete bimbos. His shows dabble in making women whole people and

Says sock puppet account…

Jamaican food is amazing and it's a shame stateside we don't get it much. I respect his decision to go to the UK because that's where it will likely succeed….but damn if I won't be excited if we could get one in New Orleans…

Jon Snow has been the centerpiece of Game of Thrones since day one, good or bad. Killing him anytime before the last two episodes of the entire show is just insanity and only if the last episode is an epilogue episode showing the aftermath of the war.

Wow, you wrote quite the little diatribe and had the gall to start it off with calling me upset! The irony is palpable.

Also, I saw a wonderful article explaining that Trump's routine numbers of likes/RTs are dwarfed by his approximate followers which suggests his real following is significantly smaller and in fact, when the article did the background on it, it looks like atleast half his followers are fake. Of course every major

Objectivity is supreme, when you can bring facts and such, I'll take your opinion into account. Otherwise why would I value it when you clearly have a different worldview I not only don't agree with but find abhorrent to my own?

Cost. Look at the Murray comedies of the 1980s and 90s. Even look at the Sandler comedies when he was still trying. They were putting up decent dough for something. Even a 16 mil comedy in 1997 is 20 years old and is worth about 32 mil today, now look at Murray's comedies and you can see you're about halfway to a

Thanks for your opinion on whether or not libertarians inject their terrible ideology in to their show. I'll file that somewhere important I am sure.

Most of the people you would cite on the alt-left exist as tumblr/reddit accounts and a few eccentric academics (and I've sadly been exposed to them…..all. V_V)

Claimed he owned one of the largest wineries in the country near Charlotteville. Not even in remotely close and not even in the top-100 for production by case.