
This whole season appears to be that conflict growing. You don't create a divorce for the lulz even in a show like this. I'm actually glad because the show is at it's best when it gets deep and doesn't pull back.

It was a cultural phenomenon and there is no getting around that but it's a pretty staid movie in its own genre. Atleast a dozen of historical tragedy films are as good if not better but besides T2 and maybe the Abyss that's always been Cameron's weak spot. He writes pablum but his spectacle is so amazing and well

I don't have the data but movie ticket prices started rising faster than inflation in the early 2000s. Combined with the internet it went from something you do nearly every week to something you do probably once or twice a month. My older cousins remember going to the theater a minimum of once a week and I remember

Ponsonby hit it on the head, Colbert was trolling up but also never engaged in outright trolling. He did satire, he never cornered people who didn't want to be there, he didn't harass or threaten, he never indicted people who didn't have a voice.

This feels like a bit of 'Juno' writing, where every character is overly built and too witty to be endearing. I'll probably catch it on netflix sometime but at some point the reality of tragic fools embracing social media is going to a well run dry (and frankly, this already feels like a pail of dry dirt).

Remember when Donald Trump was an annoying minor D-list celebrity from NYC's celebutante culture? Pepperidge farms remembers….Pepperidge farms also remembers when Trump got us into a nuclear war with a rogue nation over his ego….It was just about the time Pepperidge Farm was glad they were located far from major city

The older model was two pizzas in a paper sleeve and were often square. The current pizza is similar but distinctly cheaper.

Marinara + Bread = Good?

Shitty people get their comeuppance all the time, take it easy there, General.

I try. *takes bow*

That could make sense. Upvote for logical!

*points to description*

I've read the book. I've seen the initial episode. While the work has grabbed the zeitgeist of the movement, it doesn't intrigue me because it's a heavy-handed portrayal and there are plenty of feminists both traditional/norm and rad that have all kinds of issues with the book. It's very much of it's time. But

Eh, depends on how you read it. Given the fact that your dutch elections almost put a George Wallace-level monster into serious contention your right is coming to meet ours. I'm not familiar enough with all the center-left/leftist/SD parties in Europe to point out where the Dems fall but within the framework,

The sad and perhaps scary reality is that if you portray a group consistently as evil and perhaps outlandishly evil the perception of that group can be altered. I think though given america's history with white supremacy there is little doubt that Lee & Davis will be loved for decades to come.

A.) I'm sorry anybody would say something like that you. It makes me a little sadder for that. :(

You made an account with 1 post before this, talking on a right-wing news website. I'm not exactly sure what you want me to believe. I don't really care what you think and frankly your whole setup has been a continuous and boring set of strawmen. You're again, either a troll or just a really terrible arguer. Maybe

And I am well aware that they were fellow homo sapiens. Portraying them as worthwhile people gets into a complex argument about the value of media.

Eh, if anything our historically protected speech and our extremely long history of being socially repressive mixed with our extreme individualism probably what makes us outliers.

You're the one who made an account just to come talk here after posting about American politics. So again…..Stop. It's late. I'm tired….I don't want to have this much stupidity at me. It's like you don't get it or you're really bad at this trolling thing.