
Fixed. Now run along.

Once again: Yes, a group of women living in an authoritarian dictatorship fight back with what little they have to obtain a sense of decency and humanity. I'm aware of the concept, sock puppet.

and I didn't. Now let's move on as you seem to be struggling to understand the very concept I told you as a point.

Why are you saying I'm raging? Go back, read what I said, now come back.

Eewww….I just realized you're a neocon sock puppet account.

Whoa there captain douche, you really can't handle somebody disagrees so your rebuttal is that I'm weak?

Do you still beat your wife?

Oh noes! Somebody on the internet is upset that other people on the internet can realize something is going to be painfully bad without having to wait for it to be painfully bad.

Hard to port! No Starboard! We're taking on water!

And I bet you think confederate monuments teach how slavery was evil?

Amartya Sen has a pretty good explanation for velocity of trade though not arguably for a medieval period but that like any functional government her army using the holdings of the vast cities took what was required by way of essential taxation. Her army was fed on whatever tax in kind would have been drawn. It's

Cause the whole fact that giants exist and almost exclusively north of the wall makes for a giant who died well beyond the reach of white walkers that character?

Have an actual carriage and paid servants to take you places? Arya is mostly traveling by foot, avoiding trading paths with the hound and dealing with the reality that's she's effectively a wanted woman. LF is just a free roaming merchant-turned-title-holder.

I'm not 100% sure when he says 'build me a 1000 ships' he doesn't mean it but I concur. Any functional fleet in reality in this assumed time period of human history is at most a few dozen ships. The Romans and Greeks supposedly had 100's of ships in battles but we're talking ships that were likely less than 15 feet

Points for synergy with your profile pic…..

Jon Bernthal has a pleasant unattractiveness to him. We've historically got handsome Punishers (Dolph, Thomas Jane, Ray Stevenson who is stone-faced but pleasant in that). Jon Bernthal just takes the whole idea of what an actual vigilante could look like, he's actually less than the guy next door, he's not schlubby,

They did. They lost. Plus, most of the Irish were actually beginning to be enticed with the offer of land from the Confederacy at various points.

It's fine, sorry for going after you like that. :(

It's the Onion's place. The Onion is based in Chicago and is staffed by Americans.