
It's also completely impossible. Which is my whole point. I mean, if you're going to be absolutely stark about it we kind of live in that reality. Just make civil liberties fewer for Blacks and you pretty much have the reality of that place.

That would be an amazing show wouldn't it? Imagine if Britain could have bargained with another foreign power (say the Ottomans) to attack France? Or the Austro-Hungarians just stay out till the Dutch make it clear they want the whole North Sea and intend to blockade the naval forces?

It's ok, I'm not angry. I'm pointing out on an American website about American media when foreigners show up to write the same point I always have to point out that you're coming to my place and saying things as if you don't understand the American-centrism that exists because of the bias we and this site operate in.

Given that it was literally joined to the US at the hip and would have faced constant raids it would have been unlikely it could have survived, period.

So……Just make a period piece about Jim Crow America then? I mean, that's what you're saying. A non-chattel slavery but totally second class existence.

We're the 3rd most populous country on the planet. We are the sole superpower (maybe with China being the other depending on how you read it. Sorry if American TV doesn't take a personal interest in other countries.

I just pointed out down below that even if they could have stalemated the north the north's industrial capacity and immigration growth would have meant the CSA would have been wiped out just 5-10 years later.

The whole glue of their society is and was slavery. It's kind of like asking what's the critical cultural analysis of any of the Banana Republic countries. Sure there is a deep rich tapestry of personal identities but the social order is so hardened and built on the backs of chattel slavery or abject poverty slavery

Here goes a professional Historian's point of view on this:

I don't remember LP being a huge fixture in emo culture? Maybe I'm just a hair too old for that shift but I do remember that the angst became melodrama within that subset but then the satire became a satire of itself….

People who write Black Hole Sun and Shadows of the Day have deep-seated emotional issues and their own suicide isn't that surprising because they were laying it out there for years. I think there was some general cynicism in the early 90s as alt-rock got really dark but if you look at the trifecta of that period Kurt

It's totally the time for politics. Mental health shouldn't be a divisive issue….I mean, we live in a society that can afford to take care of our ill.

Once you're in that state it's really hard for anybody to break through without force. I'm not one to broadly announce it but when I was a kid I had the gun to my mouth and I didn't pull the trigger because I realized that it wasn't worth it, that I would rather fight on. Too many people don't realize it and squeeze

Hating on his angst ridden music is easy but the man was a deeply troubled soul. I loved Linkin Park as a late teen into my early 20s, it was about the only nu Metal I ever liked. It's sad to see him go but it's not wholly unexpected when a guy writes a song like Shadow of the Day.

Well, I understand the 7-12 trade paperback is due out at Christmas. They must have figured it out though it is depressing to realize it's taken this long.

It really wouldn't be that expensive, animatronic cat all the way!

I can't handle the month-to-month, I need it like a shot in the arm. :P

People who defend it as 'shock humor' are always going to be the most shocked when it turns out that behind closed doors he always had these opinions.

Is it not a thing? I mean, they aren't quite calling him a neo-nazi which was the original argument but he is pretty convincingly an anti-Semite, just not an outspoken one.

I just discovered them a few weeks ago and I felt sabrina was an appropriate change. I'm hyper-excited for the next collection to release.