
I'm all for taking the power back from the rich but really, are we down to unleashing scumbags on them as a cover for our own distaste for them?

Assuming it wasn't real or just to be a jerk. I had one old lady come up and pull my hair and then when I spun around and almost punched her she just said 'Oh honey, I thought it was a wig!' even though it's pretty clearly my head…

Really…tron? It was a cult hit that spawned an ok movie 20+ years later. Let's not stretch it.

I haven't seen those movies in years….ugh, nostalgia trip coming on. Also, I loved Dean Jones growing up.

Well, I don't think the well metaphor is perfect, I don't think anybody has a set amount of ideas but there is a reality where those ideas can get stale if in a bubble which is part of Disney's problem. They're locked in a bubble because outside of the 90s renaissance in animation they've bought their way back to

Interesting. Regardless, assuming 1942 would be the current cutoff that would include practically half of the original run of cartoons and every year would flood the public with dozens of hours of material along with atleast the first several disney movies.

Welp, I know what i'm doing this weekend….I haven't seen that movie in years and let's be fair, Russell only became a star in the 1980s.

Actually, that kind of undermines some of your own argument since in black and white cartoons we have a pretty easy understanding of what a black character would consist of. They wore gloves to actually help tell hand movement as when you're working with only 2 colors the absence helped define their hand movements

To be fair, there are some aggressively racist stereotypes in the cartoon sections. I mean, the film features the tar baby story which in itself isn't racist (it's a proper parable of minding your own business) but the idea surrounding it, the term, and the characterization of clearly black minstrel characters is all

A.) Go talk to your father. I mean, maybe you don't have the best relationship but come on…it sounds like you care to some extent and maybe this is the time to open up to him about how you feel?

Do they help their players sexually assault women before or after the game?

How hard would it have been to find three people who could skate and then give them skates? You have an ice rink….why are you making them race in sneakers? Come on, this is minor league hockey not Busch league….eh? EH?!?!?

Most of Disney's live action has been all but forgotten except for Mary Poppins and a few others. There also isn't much you can do with them since again, who wants to talk about B-list actors from now nearly 60+ years ago?

Disney's entire media empire is literally built on monetizing intellectual property that is past it's prime. Without them driving copyright laws 90% of their back catalog would be in the public domain, not the characters mind you, so all the actual important stuff for trademarks and merch is safe, just the entire

You do realize that most people's talent/magic/imagination has a limited supply and if you go back to the well too often you tend to come up dry right? Pixar is running that course. Most people aren't Hemingway and I would say King but let's be honest….He's a prime example of once too many times to the well.

Oh totally. I've had some food historians/nutritional anthropologists give talks on how America is arguably the perfect food spot on the planet. There are few other climates that can come close to our diversity and quality of food. We're fat because we're largely sedentary and have access to really amazing food at

I read their choosing as a stunt casting and a $17 mil salary is large but not really a heavy hit on their overall budget. Really, when you calculate the cost of a weekly show over a season and her salary + her staff of journalists/investigators (probably heavily overlapping with core NBC News staff) it's a bargain.

I wouldn't disagree.

Lots of liberals, a good many in the media, the general zeitgeist felt like it was going towards her over her attacks on Trump and his rebuttals.

Actually, why wouldn't a child be game to eat the Baja steak gordita? It's got all the same basic ingredients plus some salad mixed in. Maybe some guacamole?