
Texas-based burger chain. Food similar to Burger King, not awful but not something I die for.

War of the Worlds is easily his worst and I was taken back when it wasn't mentioned in the original article….Always is sappy but utterly watchable. His remake of WotW is just atrocious on so many levels.

Interesting, I have a pair of New Balance 1267s that I swear by for any kind of aggressive exercise or long-term walking (like going to an amusement park). Otherwise I'm mostly a PF Flyers person, just throw in some extra insert support and go…

It was utterly weird when I kind of was on the super-cutting edge of the mohawk/punk resurgence in the mid-2000s and it felt awesome then I just went 'meh' because now my shaved undercut is pretty standard and I just stopped giving a damn about what other people felt.

I simply have to live in 2E/4E shoes….It's frustrating. I know your pain.

I've seen conflicting reports, mainly that if you have good feet to start with they're good but if you're bigger (not necessarily heavy but NFL LB size) or have any kind of feet issues they're the absolute worst things for you.

I have a pair of PF Flyers that are so badly stained that I decided to dip them in a brown dye to just move them from badly stained cream colored high tops to now cool looking brown ones.

Crocs are fine anywhere where you would wear a sandal that isn't trendy. So basically that's around the house, at the beach, to the store, out to dinner at a casual restaurant. Really I never got the hate on them besides them looking painfully dumb in a clunky 'I got foam feet!' way.

Depends on what kind of Batman movie you want….Gad would be perfectly fine if he's paired up with a straight man power villain like Bane who would be the classic 'menace unleashed' story. The penguin goes back and forth between being a coherent mob boss and a looney tune fat man…Burgess Meredith vs. Danny DeVito

Jim is an allegorical figure, Jim is everything Trump portrays into his vision of himself and his world.

I haven't had a chance to read the books but I believe sometime around episode 4 or 5 of season one the obviousness of Snow's birth was clear. It's also why it's so stupid when literally everybody else is confounded and offended by the story.

We're actually likely to see all the political intrigue end and have the final season largely be about the white walkers which is kind of depressing UNLESS the white walkers emerge as an interesting and non-force enemy. It's hinted at that, with some of the walkers having personalities but have yet to be fleshed out.

I think any kind of power trip narrative inevitably has to address these things even if only peripherally. It's kind of why these stories have been told atleast a dozen times in Marvel and DC comics, I mean, whole sub-series have been devoted to Batman being a figment of the Joker's imagination if I recall correctly.

Quantum mechanics is insane and if this is accurate we've maybe just cracked interstellar communication with possible travel to follow. But let us be accurate here: We're talking instantaneous (or within human confines of the term) communication abilities. Also an unhackable transmission (though the readers would

Eh, that's a whole issue of ethics. From a quantum mechanics perspective you wouldn't cease to be or not cease to be, who you are as a person remains. It's an argument of a soul and whether a soul is technologically survivable or are you merely a construct of parts and memories.

It seems they tightened up the whole concept and completely dropped the 'is he a dream?' aspect of the pilot which was incredibly stupid to begin with (the show clearly was setting him up as very real but I suspect they didn't want to dip into superhero satire too much like the last time).

Sorry to reply to you, LL. I saw his posts got deleted but I felt it needed to be said.

We had that talk many times, we discussed it because we knew he had conditions that would limit his life and it did, made it to 27 when they expected him to go as a baby. In the end, I knew I wanted kids and we both agreed if it happened to either of us, long as we didn't have a child we would try again. It was a

I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad he found happiness in what time he had left. Few people get so many chances at happiness. I'm glad your father had that. <3

Sorry, you don't get to decide how a relationship works. I dated about 10 months after my spouse died and then that relationship lasted about 18 months. I've been on and off on a few dates over the last 5 years. Fuck that noise on the whole 'you clearly didn't love them enough' as I basically became an emotional