
Seems that SpaceX will replace the Russians sooner than later (though who knows with President Orange Vodka in office).

Griping that somebody hates your car choice is one thing, finding out he is a widower and remarrying isn't exactly a private matter. It's almost uniformly a matter of public record and people will engage on that level. Maybe try to take it in perspective?

My husband died when I was 25, that was going on 8 years ago this October. I have dated since then and made my decisions about my life, I am trying to have kids and that requires another human being on some level.

Interesting write up. The question is how much is their advertising bringing in on the back end. If they're intentionally trying to avoid 20K hits that suggests that there is a significant snag in their model and advertising isn't keeping up with costs. Though it could just be Spotify's attempt to steal every last

I imagine they have decent algorithms to pick up on this but wouldn't it be hyper-effective if you had access to a school computer lab over the summer or even a weekend to run it? Getting a couple of hundred computers to run the playlists quickly would be rather profitable.

That's exactly my thoughts, they met the legal criteria of their statement but there is no expectation that if spotify owned a subsidiary company that funneled all revenue back to them it isn't technically paying yourself.

Yes and no. SpaceX and Boeing have capsules that we're using right now to resupply the ISS and in general do the heavy-lifting while NASA keeps developing the Orion platform that will carry men back to the Moon and beyond, but that officially won't launch till 2023. Really though, it seems like SpaceX's quick

Exactly, take away her wealth/fame in the family and she likely doesn't end up being found and everything being fine. Still, not a reason for her to be taken to task for it, glad she's alive.

I stand corrected. Good for her, I'm glad she's alive and OK.

To be fair, he basically took himself way too seriously as a bad actor and it generated hate. Wishing ill upon him is just a symptom of anonymity within the greater internet culture.

It's a sorely overlooked department, really somebody should do something about it but the Department of Justice is tied up figuring out how to re-enslave a huge portion of the populace since the Keebler Elf has been installed at the head and wants to start a rival cookie company. Some how fudge packed cookies will


Look, you can't accept the written definition of to dox. You can't accept the completely reasonable and well reasoned statement put out by CNN and the clarification with no retraction.

I'm sure there is some fatigue in dealing with this which is why I always talk to my students about why unconventional participation is not pointless but has little impact without sympathetic leaders or an ability to impact conventional participation.

Your fantasy take on CNN's reasoning isn't even admirable. I get it, you're delusional on this, thanks for doubling and tripling down.

Your argument doesn't really work given that investigative journalism doesn't constitute doxxing nor does CNN need to blackmail anybody. Only in your fantasy is CNN anxious to blackmail him when all they did was do due diligence as they're going to so regardless of target.


Bull, you're not winning the fixing redefinition because you feel CNN like a proper news organization found out who made something of newsworthiness.

Well aren't you special? Maybe their casual indifference afforded them by vast wealth seems to say otherwise, but yeah….ok.
