
It seems his commission is imploding spectacularly amongst the actual officials, Republican and Democratic because it really lacks merit in all levels.

Wow, at that price who can resist getting hammered! /snark

I don't think SP gave Trump the win, I think SP's ethos goes better with Hannity and others than with the ACLU.

I'm pretty sure your core argument failed on it's face and you insisted you could dissuade it by agreeing then disagreeing in the next breathe.

No, but that's how you want to spin it, I just you try harder.

Nope, you did. Sorry, I get you had to lie to feel good about it but come on, you can say you didn't but you did. I appreciate your effort though. It's totally fun to lie but really, you can't make that argument..

Smoked meats gives your brain the things it wants: Salt, fats, and meat in concentrated form. It's an evolutionary trait we likely learned from campfire cooking that 'smoking' was a residual meat that developed into a form of preservation.

1.) Nope, just nope. What the Declaration of Independence said was because we could not be made equal partners in the participation of government we would exit and form our own. Parliament had been willing to extend the colonies limited participation but declared a right to maintain governorships over them and

War's not over, champ. There is still a vote and Trump's underwhelming popularity suggest we didn't quite lose it all yet.

OR…..Just hear me out: Being shitty isn't quite the same levels here. Was Bull Connor being shitty for turning hoses on protesters or the protesters shitty for ruining Connor's social repression and legal segregation?

South Park Conservative is a term for a reason. These guys basically fostered the general position of Trump supporters through their 'we hate both sides but hate liberals more' and generally attacking social liberalism at every turn except when it was confronted with it's own implicit biases.


I generally don't like beer so I'm not going to weigh in much, I think I had rogue a few years ago and wasn't all that pleased. But yeah, 50+ employees and suddenly these multi-million dollar businesses start bringing in crazy fortune-500 CEOs and what do you expect? It's sad because it doesn't HAVE to be that way

Again, releasing his name isn't Doxxing him. CNN has no malicious intent and frankly the creator of the meme is a reasonable person to look into when the president is retweeting him. He stopped being a private citizen when his meme became a national media story.

Actually, posting your name which isn't a reserved right when you go online isn't a threat. Now posting your home address or where you work may constitute. But yeah….a news agency finding information for something that constitutes news. Crazy!

Doxxing constitutes putting out personal information not readily accessible to the public for the sake of harassment.

They're medium-sized corporations, do you think they're good people? :(

I helped a friend build one for themselves. A pre-made one is the best answer if you have no handyman skills and are frightened to drill into steel and foam frames. Otherwise a cheap mini-fridge of decent size and a pump can do the job.

Ultra-monopolized industry titans proceed to try to figure out a way to save itself from the onslaught of automation that allows smaller brewers to compete. It's amazing to think that if the big-3 actually go below 70% market domination they could risk collapse because they're so convoluted and developed to produce

I just never drank it because it tastes like all the worst aspects of beer. Eastern PA has a weird love affair with the crap. Iron City is equally awful but atleast it earns itself a place by being distinctly different.