
Statistically dead? Lets go with statistically will not be found. Dead or missing is complex, sometimes they end up just assuming a new name and moving on, some end up 'off the grid' due to drugs or indifference, and yes, some end up dead. But basically people who go missing with no visible means of income or hefty

Current hydrox are terrible. They're just as sugary and lower quality.

Nothing says satisfaction like Juniper berries, turpentine, and 10lbs of sugar….

Technically Hydrox cookies had a much more restrained chocolate flavor with a hint of citrus. Oreos are like taking two barrels of sugar to the face. I'm with you on Hydrox, I grew up eating them and had them in Blizzards for years. When they switched to Oreos I stopped eating them and I rarely buy Oreos because

Cherry Cola is pretty much just Cherry + Cola flavoring. Two things we have abundance of and really doesn't sound like a bad deal if you want junk food sugar (and who doesn't sometimes?)

Exactly, the courts and juries have been loathe to challenge math and algorithms even if they're extremely bias unless there is some intent that can be found behind it.

Interesting, I'll definitely have to read it sometime. The power of spotify and other streaming services is both exhilarating and dangerous. Payola is super easy now and algorithms don't lie but they also don't tell prosecutors…

The 70s for me essentially personfied how rock evolved and became multiple threads within the same cloth but it isn't my bag. As for 'alt-rock' not existing til the mid-90s? Yeah….No. I mean, if we want to debate name adoption and development of the identity, sure, but college rock and garage rock had definitively

Most of those are essentially on the 'alt' side and later into the early 80's except for really Springsteen who is probably the mainstream outside of Zeppelin.

Sure? I mean, I love the 90's rock that emerged but I think I actually hate 70's rock with a passion, it's so self-indulgent and effect driven. Not that the 90's didn't live and die on overdrive but it arguably had a better through-line to the origins of Rock.

Eh….People who go missing for more than a week who have no discernible income aren't actually likely to return. There are complex secondary factors that play into this but to assume 'well, she ran off with <insert x="" here="">' is a bit of a stretch. Statistically this isn't likely to end well.

I'll be honest, it's not as endearing as you think it is. But it is kind of funny because he's so Alex Jones-level unhinged that he isn't any actual threat.

He's certainly an amazing creature. He's up to I think his 5th or 6th account that's been banned. AVC is one of the more lackadaisical places on banning, so he gets a bit freer rein but he'll be banned soon enough.

So am I.

When did Archie comics become 60's Marvel? I'm appreciating this and I may actually have to get Sabrina now because it looks both disturbing and amazing.

Oh Adult Swim…Somebody decided rather than funding a ton of cheap low-grade live action or even lower-grade animation (12 oz mouse) they're opting for bringing back quality options. I cannot complain about the choice even if it isn't quite as wild as other choices they've made but this and Samurai Jack is worth it.

The Pillows exist in a sort of alternate dimension where Rock never suffered a decline and it remained 60's fabulous….I'm happy if anything just to learn some of their riffs and screw around with their new stuff.

He did play that exact character in Sons of Anarchy. He actually isn't wound that tight by most accounts…so yeah…I imagine this being a real life version of 'Ransom' that ends even more tragically.

This is a tragedy on so many levels. Hopefully she'll be found but 16, missing a week….This isn't likely to end well. V_V

She spent the rest of her days half-assing her amends. Imagine if she wasn't the visual poster child of everything wrong with them?