
Actually a simple legal change could force electors to vote for the popular vote. It's been pushed in blue states right now but really, it won't matter by that point, if you have 70% of the House + 30 Senators you really don't care what 70 senators have to say. I mean, honestly, if California and Texas vote the same

Remember when Hazel Massery stood and shouted at Elizabeth Eckford in Little Rock in 1957? You know who she is, we all know who she is, that's her name.

Eh, I'm not buying the 11D chess arguments. If anything, his tweet patterns follow a pretty simple pattern, Ivanka & Jared are strict jews so Trump gets to run free from Friday night to early Saturday. His most insane tweets happen during that time while his worst antics amongst his own staff seem to regularly

Highly unlikely. The current view from political science is that him and the Republicans are going to be pushed back to parity by 2020, their gerrymandering will be hard to overcome but the Dems are looking at a generic +10 ballot right now, it can go higher and is probably likely to if Republicans keep shooting

All of this will end up in the national archives no less. When our children and grandchildren look back at this they'll remember how our parents stopped George Wallace but we welcomed in Donald Trump.

I support this new newsfeed. We can just have a new article every day, then we can archive it if we somehow still have an economy, health insurance, and a country at the end of all this.

I personally hate him but since he's giving tax cuts to the Koch Bros to fund my re-election, I have no other choice than to accept that he's a dimwitted manchild that I can use to my own ends.

Nah, it's pretty clear that Harry is getting married and that the lyric for the sake of the rhyme makes Larry relevant (and it kind of is since you're still his best man). It's the grammar that's missing from the lyric but since we can assume in the case of the lyric itself given the rhyming scheme that commas would

See…..This is what I got one. Just going to report and watch AV Club ban him again cause well…He's going to keep doing this until he tires out.

Flagging them, I think somebody else flagged them too.

I actually had some AV Club mods ban a crazy Alex Jones poster for me….they never moderated them strongly but it seems that somebody is keeping tabs on their more political ones.

A.) You're 16, have some perspective.

So? You'll be banned from A.V. Club & Rawstory in a matter of minutes. I'm going to just report you on both sites and let them take you out for spamming. It's literally 2 minutes of my day. Thanks for being entertaining in that you think this matters.

This is the best you can manage? I ran circles around you with no effort and this is your best response? I'm not even pretentious, I literally have a PhD in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. I have confirmed education that makes Alex Jones' conspiracy theories wither in the face of facts and

You're spamming random links to sites run by loons and i'm supposed to take them at their word? You're not even sounding like a coherent human being anymore.

Clearly you're still responding at AVC…so you're merely getting your posts deleted.

A.) It's desperate. You described a really paranoid and lonely rock.


Depends on how you measure, the level of 'quasi-nudity' that has increased dramatically has supplanted the random nudity moment, especially as porn became more and more accessible.

I saw this before, I was watching a format video about 4:3 HD video that emerged just before DVDs really came into being and started pressing towards 16:9/16:10. What strikes me as dated isn't the cars (which are obvious) but that so many people were wearing suits still. I think the turn happened around the late