
I always appreciated Disney's self-congratulatory packaging. "Oh, you bought a Disney VHS? CLEAR THE SHELVES MOTHERFUCKER! THIS BAD BOY COMES IN A RE-ENTRY TO ATMOSPHERE CASE!" It was an announcement to all your other VHS tapes that it wasn't going to just hang with them in simple cardboard sleeves because the

I'm fascinated by it as I tell my students that just 10 years ago the world was a vastly different place let alone 20. 1992 was 25 years ago this year, that's a quarter century but in the sense of pop culture that's between a blink of an eye and a century depending on which side of the 90s you were born on. It's

Oh please, it's a 20+ year old franchise with a thin premise to begin with. You're pretty much arguing that a bad show got turned into a semi-coherent bad movie. We have pretty strong data that the death of the R-rated movie is because PG-13 swallowed it up by either watering down a soft-R movie or the social shift

Random Alex Jones loon vs. PhD in Political Science. The irony burns like a thousand suns….

Says the guy who is completely obsessed with fake news….

Ah yes, a blogger who links to a completely unsupported fake news website….Cool story, bro?

Yeah…..I'm going to call shenanigans on all this. But that's ok, it's why it's an opinion and subjective. :)

Mainly because as an educated individual who can read white papers and trusts only validated sources instead of internet pranksters and charlatans I can't be fooled so easily. Washington Post > YouTube video.

Household names:

Valid arguments require a level of proof or intrinsic logic. Your argument is that somehow Adam Lanza is a false flag over gun rights because… was likely to increase gun control with the Republican house in control?

In the history of Hollywood I could name 'household name' directors on probably two hands, maybe three? That's just about a hundred years and maybe 15 people. Edgar Wright definitely earned himself a place as an auteur is working his way up there to be like Taratino or Spielberg for a certain style or pace but

Fans come in two basic forms: Those who enjoy the show and those who obsess about it. Rick and Morty tends to get worse than some because it's attempting to say it doesn't matter when it does and doesn't take itself too seriously,

It could have been cut to seem less likr an aggressive gag but they wanted you to feel it…it was way too far.

Only in full blown superhero mode does anybody ever address her as 'Wonder Woman' otherwise most of the time, even in comics she gets called Diana.

The movie is arguably the most anti-war film I've seen with value and avoid overt preaching in years. It felt like it was written during the height of the Iraq war (and honestly, it likely was informed by those scripts). It is uneven but by avoiding making her naive and even arguably a step ahead of most of the

Exactly, his future WH sketch was the kicker for the entire episode. There is absolutely no reason not to what it is and accept it as BS.

Shame, Sasheer never got the roles she really deserved but I want to see her on a sitcom somewhere soon.

Half dozen of one, six of the other…

Let me inform you: A movie about race is a race movie. I have never seen anywhere where a PoC film was referred to as such. Pull back your concern trolling next time, I mean the rest is some serious virtue signaling if anything.

Because mocking his supporters cost us the election? It was a combination of electoral apathy, the assumption he didn't have the votes, vicious and continued division after the Democratic Convention, and HRC's lack of capitalization on the rustbelt.