
It's too 'on-the-nose' to work as a great ending. He wanted a horror movie about race not a race movie with horror in it and that alternate ending does the latter. It's more intense but it feels like its treading into 'preachy' and not in a good way.

So it took you four days because you have a job that keeps you away 24/7 and you had to reply back like a jackass?

lawl…..Go home, nutjob. Nobody cares about your geocities site.

Um, I stopped reading when you blathered on about insane things. When you care to join reality and can assert some understanding of what 'neoliberal' means (hint: Your man Trump is excited to sign the ACHA which is a premier part of it). I'll care to reply.

It's when they fired Lorne Michaels and the show went off the rails. It's actually not that bad, it's certainly the worst period of SNL but there are some bad stretches regardless.

I'm trying to figure out what was the point of the GG movement once the timeline was found out to be a lie. I mean, you switched gears to claim it was about 'ethics in journalism' even though again, all ethics were fine. Frankly, you're being too kindly here. Just because you're not a raving loon doesn't mean your

Because no gaming journalists actually lost their jobs, most of them scoffed at you, and when cornered on actual evidence your whole movement came up dry and tried to lie about the timeline. Not much of an argument.

Pretty much. Stereotypes cut both ways and the presumption that black people have some innate 'cool' keeps them from stepping outside of the stereotypical culture they're expected to represent. Chappelle show did a great bit about music and the black cop at the end started dancing and replies 'I grew up in the

To be fair, I watched to the Doumanian era before. It's not that bad, 3-4 episodes a day are tolerable…..Then you know, you realize how bad some of the episodes get.

It's actually quite interesting that they cast Brie & Gilpin who beyond the hair have actually pretty 1980's faces, approachable, different, and not overly uniform (no, I'm not putting them down….If anything, it's more an argument of acceptable variety).

I was interested but now I'm almost willing to say completely psyched though I didn't see Nash in the trailer….or maybe I wasn't looking all that close, I imagine she's in group shots.

Well, I am also a 20th century historian and I promised myself I would watch every episode of SNL ever….so I'm getting Seeso this summer.

This is one of those weird instances where the before/after shots are so clearly the same woman it hurts. This is just a weird and terrible excuse for an article. :(

I've rewatched lots of stuff, American Dad comes to mind, but not every night. Usually I'll go back and binge a few episodes randomly.

I'll accept this if you're some PR person for ABC…otherwise your love affair with this show is borderline insane.

I didn't even watch it.

. . .Please tell me you work for ABC. Otherwise, just no. I'm calling serious shenanigans.

Robert Patrick is a lovable block of wood. But replacing what was effectively the centerpiece of a show about supernatural and abnormal things with a second 'Scully' was just woefully bad.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug….

Every time this has been tried it has failed horribly. People historically don't like seeing adults destroy children, even evil demonic children….It's just something we don't like as western civilization. So go wild and try it guys, but prepare for abrupt failings…