
No….Come on, lets be fair. The X-Files post-mulder an Roseanne in the 'Dan really died' ending are far far far worse than anything from the Simpsons.

So, you're bringing back everybody for a show that probably should have ended between 2 and 3 seasons sooner just to give it 10-13 more episodes nobody really wanted. It will be fun to watch them retcon the last few seasons atleast.

Awwww….really, this is your comeback after 4 days?

Kind of, where SNL spicer is more upfront and angry, real spicer is very elusive and skittish. The actual Huckabee Sanders is far more like SNL Spicer though.

It's interesting how after 42 seasons 19 five-timers and only 8 started post-1990 and only 6 post-2000. I was thinking it was reverse, with far more coming later but 5 happened within the first two seasons (completing between 1977 and 1990). It's interesting though that we've had 3 in the last 3 months (Scarlett

Generally you have two, maybe three companies involved. It's not all that different from literally the last 20+ years. You're not mentioning something shockingly new and as more creators make their own companies and use the big studios as distributors rather than as core production facilities the system has changed.

She is oddly blunt and rather unpleasant to listen to. She has no qualities I would seek in an actual PR person…

I welcome it even if it requires more work because in previous seasons when the money was declining and they didn't have the product placements they were dragging out sketches to pad time, running a joke into the ground.

I just had to look up her twitter controversy….Meh, her statements are a bit naive and probably shouldn't have been shared on twitter but at worst it's a bit tone deaf than anything with malice. I hope she comes back but there are basically too many women to give her room until McKinnon, Bryant, or Bayer leaves…

Yep. It works both times, I believe they were both around Mother's day as well….

It's heavily implied Ronaldo is just about emancipated if not outright. It's really hard to tell because you can pretty much say all the cool kids are between 17-20, depending on how you look at it and the behaviors they exhibit. It seems like Lars is younger though or maybe Sadie is a touch older? Beach City seems

Thank you! I try and I'm not really upset by my height it's just tiresome to get constant remarks about how tall I am….It's like 'yes, I am quite tall, the air is fine, yes I can get dates, and no you can not climb me.'

You may be right on that, is Ronaldo still in HS? Him and Lars were best friends and similar in age…

63 million votes, nearly 3 million vote lead, she's a good leader for now, letting the trumpanzees hate on her while Warren, Sherrod, and others setup for 2020.

Aren't you just a classy tool? Don't you have somewhere better to be?

He bumped him in the face, the kid requested an apology. His dogged instance was worthwhile and Pence's apology is forthright. The kid didn't demand anything more. Save your whine for a better place, troll.

Or….hear me out. They simply don't factor in. This preview suggests it's 90% Steven/Lars fighting across homeworld by themselves and that there may be a B-plot of them repairing the homeworld warp but I imagine they don't factor in until the last possible minute.

Gems admitted almost immediately that they're effectively robots/androids/AI (depending on how much freedom you want to argue). It's weird that they are all gendered and all women to boot, but that maybe just a side effect of whatever race created them making them like hive-minds, which seems not too far from the

Sadie is probably a year or two older than Lars but Lars is old enough to practically be an adult. I believe we've seen them both drive in the past, so Lars is probably 17 to Sadie's 19-20?

The 5 episodes leading to this felt forced. We get Lars is a huge self-conscious jackass, it's beginning to wear thin because ultimately something has to give (assuming the Memorial Day special does just that). Then this is just practically filler. Aquamarine's weapon is stupid overpowered. If homeworld has these