
Nice! I'very just been woodworking the last few years when I got into furniture making. I've just finished making the newlyweds a bed frame for the ages, hard maple, finished in antique paints. It can hold an elephant….

You stated a lie and every post since then has been coming after that trying to deny it, donnie. Keep up, sock puppet.

I have used rock auto in the past for brakes and a few other parts. I generally spend my hobby time woodworking now so outside of figuring out how to build a portable sawmill there isn't much call for those skills sadly. :(

Is it odd that I feel a bit special that this sock puppet troll apparently can only troll me with the most pathetic lines…

LAWL! This isn't Facebook, slow poke. I mean, do you Russian trolls really get how disqus works?

wow…..It's not even coherent trolling.

I remember being a Gin drinker in my early 20s, being that sick monster who could drink it warm but I also love lumberyards which is kind of what your traditional Gin tastes like. You're just gnashing a 2x4 and while it can be amazingly classy and very fruity in the good ways it's much like the other herbal players

The truth that you're a troll? It doesn't sting anymore than your ignorance.

I honestly wonder how Trump isn't in jail for the shady business practices he's carried on for the better part of 30 years. I mean, he's basically admitting to bribery in that article and it's crazy….

Says poster who claims they read the AV Club from 'time to time' yet had to make a new account with a super fake name to write about a writer here…..Donnie is that you?

Woo! One post trolling….Stay classy. :)

I generally try to fix everything before I go the 'replace it' route. But some folks when they have the company expense account…well…they don't really care. In all honesty, I bet you that his general reports and your's show no real difference in performance because the problem gets solved and the company doesn't

As a former engineer I kind of get some serious tunnel vision at times. It's hard to not get in a habit or think a certain way that leads to that kind of idea…

I'm pretty sure he's acting as exhibitor which is a whole different argument from saying he should be intrinsically famous for finding it. If I were to find a rare and highly valuable item that allowed me to travel and exhibit for profit that isn't really a call to attack.

Honestly,it would probably be in a semi-worse situation simply because while Nintendo stopped shovelware with high entry pricing it did have an iron grip on the market. Though we would probably have seen fewer long-term problems with 3 competing systems all converging into x86 architecture (except Nintendo) that

This is going to turn into a nasty first amendment case if the FCC is that stupid as to try and level a fine. Can you imagine the CBS legal department coming to Colbert's aid simply because it will be both financially beneficial and the right thing to do. It's not hard to see how Colbert ends up testifying in front

Stop reading it. Seriously, it isn't hard to not click on it. In many cases the AV Club is probably some of the least hyperbolic write ups I've seen in some time. Their choice to carry some political issues is up to them and well….you seem like you're capable of just not clicking.

It would appear so. :O

*pats* It's ok kiddo….One day you'll figure out that 'expressing opinions' isn't a valid defense for being a tool. Try going to a concert of a band and just tell everybody around you how their old stuff was so much better and see how quickly you get told off.

I wouldn't know, could you explain what it feels like since you seem to know it as a constant feeling of your existence?