
I love his 'How did this get made?' podcast but I also love Jason Mantzoukas.

I'm actually a quite pleasant person. Somebody came around to shitpost, got called out, then tried to backout sheepishly after finding he wasn't being supported on it. Bad behavior is not something you promote, it's something you squash.

Sock puppets telling me to kill myself. Wow, did you have to wait twelve hours to do that?

A private island with nothing but white supremacist tools….So wonderful. :S

I literally posted a Jezebel article calling out celebs who are progressive for supporting Polanski and they just kept handwaving and pointing to some obtuse list of celebs and foreigners (like they count in American Politics regardless) as proof…

Again: NOBODY CARES. You're literally 20 years late to this argument. Why do you insist on rehashing this BS as if you're fresh and interesting? You're a toolbag, don't you get it? You came here to shitpost on a simpsons review and didn't even convey why this current episode isn't very good.

Well, let me rephrase it: Nobody with big advertising dollars or a strong media outlet is touching him. He's going to turn into another small following right-wing douche blogger/radio host. Guys like Mark Levin that are penny-ante nuts in the greater right-wing hate-o-sphere.

Nobody was debating with you about whether you felt the Simpsons weren't great. I mean the general consensus is they're not as good as they used to be but at this point you really just need to stop talking. Nobody cares what you think about on this and if you really think the show sucks just stop commenting. You're

If you think about his follower base and his alt-right backers 12 million isn't a huge sum. The question is who is he going to get to buy his tripe? Going to patreon his bigotry? Nobody is going to touch him with a 10-foot pole after his pedophilia comments. I've already seen his backers try and claim he's no

Yeah, i'm not 100% sold on this. I think there is some schaudenfraude but just 'for the lulz' is either a BS ethos meaning you're a worthless sack of meatspace OR you're a liar in which case running them through for their asinine views is totally worth it.

What is there to debate? You made a really asinine statement about the Simpsons not being great on a review of the Simpsons who in your mind haven't been good in 20 years. You have no reason to be here, go away.

Why are people cross posting when it's clear they're going to post it? Just wait, like an adult does.

I would almost pity you if your grammar wasn't so spectacularly bad and since we're in season 28 currently as is literally noted in the article itself (S28E20) we're two full decades removed.

To be fair rural PA is a worthless shithole. Growing up in Pittsburgh pretty much outside of Philly, Pittsburgh, and the I-79 unionized corridor it was a state full of racist rednecks who were too excited to roll back regulations and inflict harm on the rest of us because they live in a shithole…

To be fair, this is pretty much the core of southern ideology, that as long as you're white and willing to go against non-whites you're excused for behaviors. It's an interesting read from V.O. Keys about the south, it's 60+ years old but it holds true still. Their political movement is essentially one big club and

He doesn't have to 'turn over power' as there are plenty of Generals and the local Capitol Police that will happily execute him if it reaches that point. There was a cadre of both Secret Service & Capitol Police that were ready to usher Nixon out by force (or kill him) if he tried to assume authority after his

and by a lot you mean most of that ~30% being either Cubans or self-IDed Latinos who arguably are white or exceptionally well off?

So 3 disgusting oligarchical children, one orange monster, and a barge driver are doing better, that just leaves 328,999,995 of us to go.

Honestly, Paul Ryan would be a massive step up because at the end of the day Ryan would be so neutered with no visible support that he would all but be a shadow of a president.

Could you imagine Dan re-emerging as not dead just to point out why he stayed hidden for 20 years?