
I actually would really enjoy watching that, letting her appear in the first episode and die leaving the remaining seven to deal with what was an abrasive and borderline abusive relationship with her. But since Barr is still alive and producing we'll never see that. Instead we'll see a luke warm rehash of a show

The shift towards more aggressive dance has made me sad that it wasn't more Clint Eastwood and Manana but that's what evolution is….evolution. I've yet to sit down and listen to the whole thing but as it stands the singles are catchy, upbeat, and still somehow very much caught in that late 90's/early 2000's euro

Ken Marino seems like a nice guy, I liked him on Children's Hospital but he also screamed 'Oh, this is funny because it's intentionally bad….' that permeates the Rob Corddry-Rob Heubel-Paul Scheer world. Scheer is by far the most likable of the group but they also sort of revel in that 'this is intentionally bad!'

Just watched the trainwreck scene….wow, she is so tan, it feels and looks like a complete costume for her. Also, her hands, they're super thin but so powerful looking. I wonder if she was working out for that role because she always has had a very soft appearance….

They became the mouthpiece for Bush II's WH but their ratings collapsed as his presidency soured and lost much of their credibility as they went along.

If you look at Fox's run they suffered the worst under Bush II. They got lucky that two Democrats had the office for the majority of their existence. Now they're facing both a demographic collapse and a straight forward shift in political ideals all the while Rupert Murdoch grows older and closer to death and his

In other words: The 20 years of being a right-wing mouthpiece, openly lying, supporting racist stereotypes has run its course. The pushback finally hit hard enough to take out most of their leadership and they're running on fumes as even crazier and hate-filled places are stealing their thunder.

When did Tilda Swinton stop being so disturbingly androgynous? I'm not in support of this move at all….

It was innovation at the expense of being competitive with the others. I understand they've been chasing a cost point more than anything else that seems to impact them. But if you're going to do that then you need to limit your innovation so you aren't costing your all the power to do something wild.

Sorry, I mean, it's nice to see a man retire and live out his days but if he was the one who kept saying 'meh, we need to innovate and not worry about AAA titles' then he should be taken out back and beaten. The whole reason Nintendo gave up the biggest market for games is because of what they did. Don't get me

Changing Krieger from a probably Hitler clone to a Jewish secret scientist turn double-agent hero is pretty conclusive of Archer's own view on Krieger, probably his biggest ally in the office and the most consistent friend. That and the whole 'really? well….action?' made me laugh so hard I had to rewind it.

Last week we had a Poovey with a very sad combover and a pretty flat chest in the flashforward of what to do with the sister-wives. This is of course from Archer's point of view so whether Poovey is REALLY a man or simply an assumption on Archer's part is yet unproven.

I haven't played them….I'm going to have to look them up.

Thanks 4chan. Go crawl back there now. Your levels of deflection are off the charts.

The new way Nazis ruin everything….

I'm well aware institutionally the whole of western Europe is less racist but in an ironic twist pre-2000 the average European was far more likely to hold casually racist views. How many NFL games have large numbers of fans making monkey sounds or throwing bananas? That's a part for the course at a major soccer

Thanks, your smug and awkward obliviousness along with hefty amounts of alt-right terminology dropping makes your replies fun to read but basically worthless. I'll take my peer reviewed research, but thanks for your rather vague and anecdotal input using quasi-strawmen to defend your stance.

Two posts, cool, you liked a shitty film. :D

Or your just a myopic racists? You want to write tripe, be my guest but don't respond to a post with strawman BS. England has had a historic race issue and while race is only now becoming more prevalent as class shifts can you take your smug attitude about a foreign place down a notch?

It's totally anti-democratic, you have to accept that notion, I mean the core of Jackson's villainy is about the vileness of the lower classes and the Kingsman are representative of an authoritarian upper-class……It's quite literally the whole premise of the movie.