
I would watch Beck the musician on a Fox News hosting program. Just talking in non-sequiturs and rhymes.

His blaze is hemorrhaging money…so maybe he'll run back to the mothership? The problem is he's openly berated Trump too much and Fox seems to be up his ass at this point…

It's ok, when I called you caustic and petty and you responded like that you just reinforced my point. Thanks for being angry and bitter, I hope you enjoy your retirement, Bill.

What's more interesting to me is as O'Reilly fades and Beck gone, who's their new stable going to be? Hannity is a squat monster but he's just uninteresting and stupid compared to the raging bellows of Beck and snide 'I'm wrong but who cares' O'Reilly…..So who is next in the slime pit to rise and take over the reins

So, we've found out you're a far-right douche who can't seem to handle that most of the people who comment (nay, most of the world) hates your worldview.

It's also contributing to why there an increasingly large amount of text sneaking onto the screen in action films. It's easy to swap out English for Mandarin. But it's not a huge deal, I would actually really appreciate if it pushed smaller productions to develop out of this but it seems like everything is going

Technically, it is? Mexico is included in NAFTA but is almost uniformly grouped into what we call 'Central America' along with the connecting countries. Racist or not, it's not all that strange to see a 'North American' Tour just be Canada and the US.

Yeah, which is why it felt extremely overdone. Just a few bits and shifts, instead it looked like Mick Jagger tourettes

It was weird that he kept 'jaggering' without any real reason to. It was so painfully clear he's not an actor or can even attempt to be.

It wasn't that he had Trump as a guest, it's that he made no effort to engage him as a serious candidate.

5 hours of TV a week filmed in the early evening vs. 1.5 hours of TV broadcast live with sketches and rehearsal. I don't really get why they invited him back for what was a major change to SNL knowing he's a weak link host but I suspect it was a mixture of NBC & Lorne trying to prop them both up using their

Fallon sucked the life out of this episode so bad that it was all the small touches they worked around his bad ham acting that made it work: Bennett as Pence making jokes about 'Mother,' Bennett as the Pepsi director throwback which is so rare that it may in fact be a first ever on SNL (lets ignore established

Or you know…They get more shipments with fewer patties that sell fresher food. Flash freezing does LESS damage but it's really the fact that the other major chains use higher fat content to help off-set the freezing and bring back moisture to meat that was frozen solid like a brick.

It's probably a 'it's time for the Jedi order to end since you know, my father was trained all wrong and broke every vow a jedi takes and while I was half-assed trained by Yoda and then restarted the academy with that half-ass knowledge it's time for you to strike out on a new path for force users and develop a new

It's an issue where a number of the games is now at what, two? Mighty No. 9 suffers from being a dead-end design scheme. Mega Man is iconic for being something amazing at the time, not so much now. YL suffers from being a slave to what was a good game on a system starved of them. Where Mario 64 is infinitely

And require a modicum of technical know how and deal with a hefty amount of illegality….But I feel your rage already as I share it.

Switch capacity is a better value for them. It sucks but if you keep buying the Switch and waiting patiently it's likely we'll SNES Classic & NES Classic be back soon.

This is celebrity culture gone horribly wrong. This poor man in desperate want for acceptance and relevance is doing something incredibly stupid and possibly toxic to prove his value….It's tragic on so many levels.

I didn't say they were stale but their best bet of maximum advantage to making a film or a TV series was back in Demon Days, that's all.

Kind of where I am at, Stylo off Plastic Beach is their best of that album an sadly everything since has been good but not as grabbing as the earlier work.