
Isn't that when you find people who share your passion because you have access and power then? I still like DIY Punk in many cases and my circle has some folks like that and I have D&D friends and Political folks….I don't need to be part of the mainstream to find happiness, just self-fulfillment.

Even better on children, they're seeking approval from peers and their parental units. In many situations there simply isn't a huge difference between what people like by age when you do this kind of broad base measurement.

They're hoping for millennial's siblings to take up consumerism much more than most of our generation did because we got caught in the depression lurch.

Vice is kind of a Gen X thing that sort of became a Millennial thing by virtue of being around but lets be honest….It's definitely a Gen X thing.

Exactly! This is a later season 3 episode where Jerry comes back after Beth realizes she loves him for being the anti-Rick.

Nah, it's setting up for a revenge of the Council of Ricks which in turn will all return in future seasons…They've created two quite stable enemies now.

That and the evil morty we've not seen revisited….

Plan he came up with while imprisoned. End of Season 2 Rick is genuinely sad, he was all alone, no reason to hide his actual feelings. It's why his 'I planned this to become alpha male!' speech to Morty is sort of a forced reset in their relationship so he doesn't get too comfortable.

It could just be a 'riff' on the actual memory….Which would honestly make sense since he treats both C-137 (or what we assume to be) as a loss and goes onto the NEXT Beth without much issue.

The end rant from Rick conflicts with about a half-dozen other times he's done things. This end rant is just another in a series of 'Rick acting like an asshole to prove his intellect' again. It's pretty obvious this isn't his ONLY goal and getting rid of Jerry wasn't his necessary goal but was a nice bonus to

See example one. :P

I would honestly prefer a Ash Vs. The Evil Dead style approach, make it prestige television with a 10 episode arc. Spend 10-15 million total, sell to Netflix or Amazon outright and let it become a permanent streaming option. It's a far better situation than looking a sequel made for significantly less just to likely

I prefer milk in glass bottles but that's also because those that do so produce better quality milk. It's not a huge deal whether by carton or bag, it seems like a simple matter of development process. I just wonder how much containers cost industry-wide vs. bags? It's probably less than a cent per unit, so while

So we're just jettisoning the end of the 3rd movie and rewriting everything in order to hope to build a new trilogy with younger actors? It seems weirdly pointless. This is something you do in the 8th or 9th installment. They just really dropped the ball with the 4th and could have easily done a two-fer with 5th

Yes. Absolutely yes. Sparrow didn't become the 'main character' until really the 3rd one when Will was relegated to a co-lead. He was just the fan favorite because Orlando Bloom's giant cock can't give him any acting ability though….

I'm not completely sold on the Mandela Effect as something that has a coherent and genuine origin. Half of the things people mistake are either actual differences over time (Shamrock shakes are mint in some locations, others were Vanilla at times) or simple misrepresentations (Bearenstein/stain). The few more

Your naming synergy is off the chart right now…

Most it was A & D though. C didn't really matter, as a general consensus, had it been Marco Rubio or Cruz vs. her she cruises to a crushing victory. Trump just had enough in the D column excited and the SCOTUS nomination (which is borderline unconstitutional) that drove him into office.

Counting down till it passes and the subreddit once again loves Donnie for some inexplicable reason and comes up with a hare-brained excuse for really liking their ISPs selling their browsing history.

This more or less plays to America's advantage as the West Coast is probably more likely to want to watch with the much higher Asian populations putting most of the early and mid-morning events in primetime.