
He's 30 lbs of human smaller, if Willis had similar shoulders and shape I would agree but it's JGL being a much slender overall build than Willis who borders on stocky.

Probably, I wouldn't be surprised if most of Crispin Glover's scenes were already in the can. I'm sure some studio exec or Zemeckis has all that footage somewhere just for historic preservation. It would be truly interesting to see them side by side since the script wasn't really altered according to them…

That's more or less how he did engineering. Sat in class, crushing at poker to pay for pizza and rent, nice enough but weird.

Wow, Congrats on the possibility! I had a colleague quit college because he won just over a million over the course of two years by winning smaller tournaments below the big WPT series. He was also a deeply disturbed guy who was kind of stats obsessed…But it worked for him.

It's forever seared IN TO MY BRAIN forever. I liked Kevin Meaney but there is no reason why a man who was rather effete should be playing an extremely masculine role while also just not being John Candy. It was the epitome of bad choices for TV in my mind. Too late to ride the wave, point of the movie star not in

Remember when labeling something 'National Lampoon's actually meant something?

>.> Mew?

Looper Good, maybe even awesome if you can get past the stupid fact that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is about 30 lbs lighter and a bit taller than Bruce Willis.

Kid Nation was hilarious because it was clear they wanted a cheap version of Lord of the Flies but ended up largely with a simplistic and pleasant group of kids who largely worked together. Crazy as it sounds but if you largely bring together upper-middle class kids with intellectual backgrounds they don't devolve

Minimal overall cost given that they were probably a quick life flight away if somebody got seriously injured and a 4-man camera crew isn't terribly expensive when you figure there were probably 10 total crew for the year (2 sets of 4, 2 more random support staff) and you can hype it by selling it as a 6 day

Looper - For when the other slightly better edited but low info YT videos aren't good enough!

Something like 50% of the entire movie was filmed with Stoltz. You can pretty much use the dailies to cobble together almost enough if you just want to switch Fox & Stoltz back and forth. The only thing I understand from that was that the Stoltz was super 80's punk (and apparently McFly was a try hard punk) vs.

:O I totally forgot about that! It would be a perfect setup, bringing in new Vampires to search for the ones that emerged then died in the Hotel.

Is it not funny now because they're nazis or because they're going to be around for years to come while we deal with them? I'm just trying to figure out the whole situation where this isn't funny atleast on some level.

I'm fine with going back to Coven but inevitably double-dipping is just going to create the same mess anytime you double back on what is a closed-ended story. The witch hunters are dead, she basically all but announced there is magic in the world, and Lange is firmly out of the picture.

Just No. NO! See, this is why we can't have nice things….I've recently had my dad move in with me after my mom passed and we went from a very minimal cable package to a maxed out one since he consumes TV like air and water. It's over $200 and we probably watch a half-dozen shows together and his obsession with the

Pretty much. The world is surprisingly wrought with prime URLs for topics taken over by absolute imbeciles and fools.

Upvote because I haven't read nor finished Zebra Girl since atleast the early 2000s…That's a wormhole for another night.

So basically people used food coloring to make their food look disgusting on a whole new level? Sounds wondrous….this is we can't have nice things.

Because more or less she isn't build like Melissa McCarthy and while on the high side of normal she's an averaged sized person?