
Come on, you gotta class it up if you're going to troll us here….Maybe bring in something relevant?

It was a good game when you had difficulty settings, it quickly turned into a bad MMO grinder and once again finding 6 friends who are online at the same time is more inclining me to go to a bar with said friends or play D&D…..

I think the 2-parter in SA where the show shifts and I couldn't remember if it was the end of Season 2 or only mid-way through…

Exactly! It's deeply surreal and openly revels in it. It treats the surreal situation it operates in without every asking why it's surreal and simply goes on. I would argue Roger is almost a cheat because he introduces a trope or stereotype as a way to constantly have a new character introduced without going deep

Klaus is the Meg of the show. Originally Meg was supposed to be the heart of FG as it is with Lisa and the Simpsons. Every time they wrote Meg though they found themselves either just rewriting Simpsons episodes and making them worse or making Meg just the preachy character nobody really wanted. So she became the

Jump to Season 3 and start watching. Season 1 is pretty much one continuous Bush II era joke, the fact that the Supermarket is called 'Red State' with a pithy tag line (which I'm too lazy to look up) kind of sums up the show. By Season 3 they're starting to get away from the premise and going more surreal as time

I still listen to it every so often….Damn you, AD.

The whole series has grown immensely since dropping the forced right-wing satire. It's beautifully satirical and surreal when the joke isn't one note. In fact, having Stan become a sociopathic man-child but also a deeply caring human being at times has made when they go for the right-wing satire that much more

I upvoted in both support of your recklessness and the childish giggle I had at the joke…

The goal is to give him enough money so he can become Iron Man in real life and then save us from a dystopian future.

I'm praying they go Rex Harrison on this and simply don't have the animals audible to the audience…

Not to be a contrarian but Murphy's spin on it took the name and concept and threw away the entire storyline, so can we call it a reboot? It's more like a re-imagining (much as I hate that term). RDJr seems to be doing an actual remake/reboot which is welcome as the Rex Harrison version is a lovely if a bit

There are production stills with Tudyk that shows K-2 getting killed in the doorway and it's pretty clear the final rewrites were done late in the film….Still, it's a satisfying if tragic movie. Not something I want to watch often (I'm already sad enough) but when I saw it for the first time I cried deeply and

I'm going to go with this is satire?

In the last few years as most of the more expensive reruns turn to the 1990s and 2000s (even the 2010s) there is a certain business model that clearly can support that super-cheap super-old reruns for boomers and people who like it.

That probably makes more sense, that as he ages and suffers he chooses to forget but never degenerates like we do. His brain is forever 30-40 years old and he simply can't retain it all…

That was my issue, no cheaper than a plane, measurably slower, and even smaller seats than some airlines…

Prices have halved, services have not quite halved but seat sizes have declined significantly so when you look into 'creature comforts' you would probably come out close to a wash based on pricing.

Amtrak is actually incredibly slow for the distance it travels, mainly because the rail lines are so old it barely crawls above 45 MPH in most places. Greyhound and Megabus are better but still, driverless electric cars will be the epitome of 300-500 Mile trips with switchable battery packs.

The simple reality is that there is a very fixed cost to flying. Those numbers don't really change all that much except for fuel. But rather than have a government mandated floor for pricing or seat space and capacity like many other countries have along side a hefty subsidy to keep the costs affordable our 'free