
Grease fires are a serious risk at BK's. Growing up I think I've only witnessed 3 serious enough to call the fire truck emergencies at restaurants, all BK's.

He was publicly against the ACA/Obamacare making insane and outlandish claims about it killing his profits before it was in effect. That's enough right there…

I normally make yeast-risen pizza twice a week because I love pizza that much. I'm deeply in love with marinara though so I cannot abide your tragic love affair with Pesto. :P

In other words: Domino's started selling itself as a brand and a vision more than as a food company. I've had it in recent years and while it's OK it lags behind other chain pizzas by a sharp and obvious comparison in my view. Still, it's a good marketing campaign that rebuilt their image, so kudos to them for

Bannon isn't really anything to work discussing in terms of his ideological positions. You would get as much from a 2nd year college student who got really into Infowars or Rand Paul….But what is interesting is how such an inept thinker got so far and it seems to be his mild charisma to conservatives that work his

It's kind of why his origin movie was just bad, it was too convoluted for it's own good.

When you need something even less researched and possibly just wrong: Looper.

Pretty much but it's fun to flood it with negative responses because it complicates their apparatus even if they simply filter out negative responses.

I gave them a name and email address (not my own) but I did ask him politely to quit, have Bannon arrested for tax evasion (at a minimum in Florida), and leave Mike Pence in charge until 2020 when we can vote him out too….

What did you destroy? The image that you weren't a rampant Islamophobic ass? That you missed the point completely? It's pathetic that you keep replying and running around shouting how right you are…

Mmh, true…but come on, I would prefer my Chicago med Clooney action figure to be worth some money..

Wow, your obsession continues. Glad I got you riled up and your strawman vision of me is certainly fulfilling every desire in your heart. I'm going to quietly bow out of your psychosis at this point. You're clearly replying for the sound of your own voice and continue to do so.

His face looks very much like a Nixon caricature, it's perhaps unintentional but it's how I see it. :D

One man's appreciation is another man's obsession.

Family Guy had it's best seasons after returning to air then around Brian and Stewie which was more or less their attempt at an Emmy that didn't win. Since there have been good episodes and bad ones, slowly declining in quality as the years wear on but no worse than the Simpsons have struggled.

Or you know, you can have a spiritual belief in a higher power that gives us free will so that when we do stupid vile things to each other we're at fault for it and hence why she simply wants us to be better people but because we're individual creatures with souls we're bound to fuck it up….

Interesting, I'm intrigued to watch it and while I had no idea she was murdered it's a sad event either way but she was killed by a company employee and not necessarily for her beliefs (her wikipedia page has a misnomer of her being assassinated…)

Having watched both in the last several years, I never actually knew Whedon had written the original script, it felt very much of the late 1980's teen comedies of Hughes mixed with a horror film. It always fell extraordinarily flat for me because Buffy is never more than a bad accent and a thin veil for a swipe at an

So your friend played a Tricky Dick look alike for Burger King? Intriguing….I would say it's just a role but come on, long after he's dead people will still be collecting his disturbing latex face on glassware and trading them for other baubles….George Clooney won't have that!

Whoa now, nobody is saying that….I mean, maybe somebody is saying that? Ok, most people have said it one point or another….but you know…*COUGH*