
I'm not sure it's being fetishized…..revered perhaps but there is a distinct difference in concepts.

It's kind of depressing to watch the whole movie poster era come to a close but there is something very beautiful about the 1950s to about the 1980s in movie posters (sometime in the 1980s things tended to trends towards bad drawing styles and then basically stills with the title overlaid by the 2000s).

I'm sold, I actually enjoyed the Wick series so far for being a throwback to the classic 1980s era action that was kind of over the top but in a very comic book way.

Introducing new characters is always a gamble, it's easier to get a familiar audience to accept change than build one from scratch. I see your point but the situation is delicate from a business case standpoint and every time a casual racist is the head of the department you're more likely to see a new character shot

Forgive me but isn't conceptually 'Manga' as we know it a Japanese and to lesser extent Korean art form? It's kind of like saying 'well, the UK does have it's own serious comic scene, so it isn't really an issue since that covers European society.' The Chinese themselves use the term 'Manhua' and it seems to be far

It was a nice satisfying story of playing with traditional kid show tropes 'dangerous stranger being an awesome friend or ally' and simply playing it at face value while addressing lapis without making her the center of attention.

I had my suspicions but it wasn't anything beyond the 'mmh, probably trying to steal the ship' that turned into an obvious trap by the time ruby stated she loved dirt. When lapis had a story about her inability to roll with the punches I knew she was going to be vindicated when the Ruby showed no sense of discomfort.

This is seriously what started it all? I didn't clarify those who interact to sufficiently satisfy your giant asshole streak that you decided to come down from your metal expert perch and declare the whole incident invalid? What a douche, more so that you kept replying and now wrote out a semi-strawman conversation

I'm always fascinated when some hate mongering ass fixates and then presents his obtuse views as 'truth' as if he had an objective reality backing them especially since the damn discussion was just a series of strawmen presented as an argument while I quietly refused to engage them.

Yes, you hurl strawmen and then made a borderline Islamophobic remark. Deal with it.

Nice strawmen you somehow still think are being propped up. You're the worst not because you're a fool but because you don't actually fight anybody but your own allies…..or you atleast publicly do. Maybe you're a secret sympathizer, who knows. Especially with the whole 'metal fans aren't the problem but the average

I'm indifferent to your vast ignorance and choice of intellectual puffery that ended in simplistic ad hominems. I've been gracious because what other point is there to make? I'm not going to defend positions I don't hold so your endless strawmen are just piling at your feet, not mine.

I did, you told me nothing of value and simply spat out words nobody but you and I read. You were late to the party and ended up a metal apologist without good reason attack straw positions I didn't hold. End of the day, you didn't win anyour converts and I didn't care to engage in some straw attacks.

*pats* Whatever works for you, kiddo. That 'real job' excuse is the cutest i've seen in a while.

Goodbye troll. Thanks for replying with even more bloviating nonsense. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :)

Your argument was and is ad hominem. Dog on the internet is a standard meme to point out all your statements are meaningless, you're not actually sharing your real identity so it's an irrelevant statement.

What point is there to address? You insisted your not responsible for addressing neo nazis in a metal sub genre then went off on a tirade that was just a massive ad hominem against me because your strawman vision was so locked on. I even gave you an out over the idea of radical Muslims and how rank and file metal

Awww….you're the dimwit who came here and rambled like a fool.

Circle those wagons….keep circling them, that'll get you taken seriously. I didn't read your long diatribe because you didn't read mine clearly.

Trust me, you need me more than I need you Mr. Dog on the internet.