
Go look in a mirror, your argument is there. Until then you and your 'next protest' line can go home. You've never been to a protest and we both know that, Mr. Dog on the internet.

In other words: You can't possibly be circling the wagons because you personally aren't circling the wagons….

The problem is that once you use 'shock value' tied to irony the 2nd and 3rd generations who grow up not getting the joke take it seriously. I think by the time 4chan got relevant it became a cesspool of anti-establishment that was focusing on the South Park but worse elements of society.

It's kind of wild to think that there is a business plan explaining how holding Snow White and those early Disney movies hostage along with all the classic shorts is profitable. It's insane to think we're living in an insane model of copyright protection because being able to 'open the disney vault' every decade

If you have kids this is easily the smartest $40 to lay out for. I'm not nostalgic but it's so vast that it's hard NOT to appreciate the cost overall for the supply.

While my love of old cartoons is vast, can we stop with the nickel-and-dime model? This is just the rerun of how cable initially billed itself and eventually went to bundling. I'm fine with Netflix or Amazon charging me $100 a month if everything is consolidated and at my fingertips but come on….By the time I get

Woo! Classy flounce, attacking me presuming I own a Galaxy S7 and some sort of Girls or Gilmore Girls human parody….

Bye sock puppet. You totally proved your case, nice flounce. :)

Yes, yes, I'm the white supremacist because you say so, random person on the internet with 24 comments and a posting history that appears to basically be a sock puppet account for some metalhead…..

First off, literal is not the word you can use because I don't have a literal white power, never mind that fascists can come in any color and that's their problem. Second, your circling your wagons and defending nazis because you're a dog on the internet.

I actually hope so. It's too easy for people like Lindsay Lohan to be totally used and abused. I understand these people aren't on that caliber of fame but as you said it, they definitely have access and I can imagine if you're in a room full of people who are all jockeying for maybe 6 sketches a show….That's got to

A.) Saying you need to go back on your meds is totally attacking your mental stability but I don't care? As in, your inability to maintain a stable mind and choosing not to take drugs to help you simply isn't my problem. It's also only a real issue if per se, I knew you were actually unstable.

Circle the wagons harder….I'm sure that's the trick. *sage nod*

Good for him…I like him but his shtick of being the 'pot dude' got old quickly and frankly he reeked of a less attractive Adam Sandler wannabe. I hope he finds a better writing hook and grows as a performer.

I would imagine post-original cast/Belushi's death there are mostly pot users. It's hard to see the last 15 years being a real pharmacy in the writer's room. Even the cliche of a coke-addled writer's room is very 1980s….

Wow, this is such an interesting troll…it's as if the unhinging got full on into his brain. Pity, maybe you should get back on your meds…

I stopped reading after you wrote how political science isn't a natural science. It's a probability science, jackass. So are all the social sciences. The difference between chemistry and us is that we can tell you within a highly confident probability something is accurate, it's akin to basic statistics. But

When you doubled back after I pointed out the very reason why you're hounding semantics and you didn't concede I proved my point.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

You're trying to make the case for circling the wagons which is exactly why these articles draw these people out, excitedly circling the wagons and defending everything while pretending it's all ok.